Photography News


The Canon EOS-1D X Mark II is the company's latest flagship camera. Its lineage and price tag make clear that it's aimed at professionals, but what does that really mean? We've had our hands on a prototype, so click through this slideshow for a closer look the all-new Canon EOS-1D X Mark II. 

Handling... more

The day I bought my first Wi-Fi enabled “smart” camera was the day I realized how inconvenient it was to use a camera that lacked the enhancements offered with a built-in wireless connection. Not ever having been able to interact with my camera via my iPhone, it was truly a case of not knowing what I’d been missing.

But I quickly became enlightened. In New York City, I was effortlessly able to pull my pictures off my Sony A7 (what I consider to be one of the... more

Here’s a short 2-minute feature by Great Big Story about the life and work of photographer... more

Photographer Victoria Will received both attention and praise last year for her gorgeous tintype photos of Hollywood celebrities at the Sundance Film Festival.

This... more

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Flash and accessory manufacturer Phottix has released details of the second generation of Odin flash controllers that will go on sale mid-February. The Odin II units, which allow wireless TTL control of hotshoe and portable studio flash units, will add two extra control groups... more

Behind the Scenes of Fujifilm's Factory in Sendai, Japan

After the official launch of the X-Pro2 recently in Tokyo, Fujifilm invited a select group of press to visit its Taiwa assembly plant near Sendai to see the camera being put together. As well as the X-Pro2, we were also able to see the assembly lines for the X-T1, X100T, and... more

Photo Mate, arguably the most comprehensive Raw image editing app for Android, has received a substantial update. Version R3 comes with an all-new rendering engine for both Raw & JPEG editing. This includes improvements to all the important adjustments, such as contrast, shadows, highlights and exposure. Read more

Forget anti-drone rifles and drones that catch other drones with webs and giant nets. Police over in The Netherlands have just come up with the craziest way to deal with... more

With each new iPhone model, Apple has been gathering some of the world’s best photos captured with its phone for its global “Shot on iPhone” ad campaigns. Last year we shared 20 of Apple’s favorite photos that were captured with the iPhone 6.

Today Apple is launching a new World Gallery titled “Shot on iphone 6S.” Here are 17 of Apple’s... more

Last week, Nikon Singapore chose an image submitted by photographer Chay Yu Wei as the winner of a 'casual photo contest.' Critics quickly pointed out that the airplane featured in the image had been digitally inserted, given away by the highly visible white square around the plane's silhouette. Nikon and Yu Wei have both issued apologies over the submission, with Nikon saying it will bolster its image reviewing process 'to avoid similar situations in the future.'

Nikon,... more
