Photography News

Want to play around with pinhole photography by building your own cardboard camera? Photographer Raymundo Panduro of Pixel Análogo has just released a free template for building a 35mm sprocket camera.

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During the re/code Code Conference earlier this week in California, GoPro’s CEO Nick Woodman detailed a rig the company is working on that will accommodate six Hero4 cameras to record multi-angle footage for virtual reality uses. Google revealed a similar setup at its I/O 2015 conference yesterday, with the primary exception being that it holds 16 GoPro action cameras rather than six. The rig is called Array, and it was made in partnership with GoPro for Google's new Jump virtual... more

Steel wool is often done by lighting a small ball of steel wool on fire and then swinging it around in a long exposure photo while it burns. But what happens when you take it to the extreme? The folks over at Joby recently decided to see what you get when... more

If you’ve downloaded a copy of GIMP for Windows from SourceForge in recent days, you may want to double check to make sure you didn’t get other programs installed as well. Some copies of the “open source Photoshop” were apparently being offered with for-profit adware bundled with the installer.

In... more

Photographer Steve Axford lives in the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales, Australia, where he has spent a considerable amount of time exploring the rainforest with his camera in hand. Among his favorite subjects are Australian fungi, which come in countless shapes, sizes, colors, and... more

Back in April, we reported that there was a new bill in Colorado that aimed to protect citizens’ rights to record police and to punish officers who interfere with those rights. Well, good news for photographers: the bill has been signed into law.

The title of HB 15-1290 was “Stop Police Interference Cop Incident Recordings,” and the summary said... more

Ongeim’l Tketau, or “Jellyfish Lake,” on the island country of Palau is a place you need to add to your underwater photography bucket list. The waters are famous for the millions of jellyfish that migrate across the lake on a daily basis, which provide for incredible views that many have captured on camera.

A man who goes by mikeyk730 recently... more

I’ll say this right up front: what you’re about to read is not a review of the Fujifilm X100T. That’s a good thing, because I’m a lousy camera reviewer. So if that’s what you’re looking for, stop reading right now and hightail it over to one of the many excellent camera review sites instead. You know the ones. Just don’t forget to help support those reviewers’ growing families and camera collections by clicking through to one of their fine sponsoring vendors.

You see, I’... more

Camera triggering company Triggertrap has launched a new iOS camera app called Triggertrap Selfie. Its functionality is simple: sound-triggered selfies. Simply point your phone, make a loud sound (e.g. scream at your camera), and the app will take care of snapping a shot for you.

The app’s live view will initially show your face as a jumble of pixel blocks:

To clear up the screen and snap a photo, just make some noise. “As soon as the shout hits the... more
