Photography News

Video has previously been one of the great weaknesses of Fujifilm's X-Trans cameras but that's all changed with the X-Pro2. We've shot our test scene, pounded the streets of New York and captured all the visual clichs we could, to show you what the X-Pro2 can do.

The X-Pro2's headline video specs are broadly unchanged compared to previous models but the quality has moved forwards dramatically. It's still not going to be the first choice for professional use but it's now more than... more

PetaPixel is a free-to-read blog, so we rely almost entirely on advertising to stay in business. In the past couple of weeks, however, readers have been reporting intrusive and annoying ads that redirect you to other websites while reading PetaPixel on mobile.

No, these are not intentional. We never allow things like pop-ups, pop-unders, ads that auto-play audio, or ads that redirect elsewhere.

Shady redirect ads have become a major problem in the online publishing... more

Tokyo Drifter: Editorial and commercial photographer Alfie Goodrich on working in Japan

Azusa by Alfie Goodrich

First published in 1991 at the age of 23, portrait photographer Alfie Goodrich has been shooting primarily in Japan since 2007. His eye as a photographer as well as a fluency in both English and Japanese has brought him a diverse portfolio of... more

Melbourne, Australia-based photographer Alexander Chin recently completed an impressive project that deals with the passage of time. Over the course of 3 years between March 2013 and February 2016, he repeatedly visited iconic locations in Melbourne and captured a timelapse in each season of the year.

He then edited the 4 seasons together into one frame to create the mesmerizing time-lapse video above, titled “The Four Seasons of Melbourne.”

Chin specifically... more

Bryan Carnathan is a photographer and the founder of The Digital Picture, one of the leading Canon DSLR gear review websites in the world. We had a chat with Carnathan to learn more about his popular site and his thoughts on the camera industry.

PetaPixel: Can you tell us... more

It was a beautiful day in Montreal. I was on a regular afternoon jog listening to a popular photography podcast. The topic of the episode was travel photography. The guests of the show were two professional photographers with the years of experience.

At the end of the podcast during the listeners question and answer session, the first question immediately grabbed my attention. Why? Because Ive been asked the same, or nearly identical, question many times before.

So whats... more

Groupon is being hit with a class action lawsuit that claims the deals company has repeatedly used Instagram photos without permission from the photographers.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the suit was... more

Chris Payne is a architectural photographer who focuses his camera on design, assembly, and the built form. For his latest project,... more

Photographer Cecil Williams of Orangeburg, South Carolina, wanted a faster way to digitize 2,000 of his negatives, so he invented a new system called the FilmToaster. It’s a $1,699 box that lets you digitize most popular film formats using your digital camera.

“I got to thinking about it. I said, Well, with todays digital cameras, why not take a picture of (the negatives)?’,” Williams... more
