Photography News

I was honoured to wrap-up another bridal-inspired editorial shoot where I was paid for my expertise. Having been a wedding photographer for 5+ years, I can say with certainty that it has taken 2+ years of hustling to be welcomed into the inner circle of a few select Sydney florists, stylists, hair stylists and makeup artists. Being invited to shoot an editorial campaign is one thing, being paid for the privilege is another.

One of the most common frustrations... more

Don't write off smartphone camera accessories just yet – a three-lens bundle from Singapore-based Inmacus produces surprisingly good results. Read more

The Nextbit Robin looks like your standard smartphone, but its cool blue exterior houses the first real cloud-based phone. It's an innovative device, but unfortunately its camera falls short of the best in its class. DxOMark has put the Robin through its standard mobile tests, awarding it 81 points and putting it in 18th place in DxO's mobile rankings. While image testers liked the Robin's good detail preservation and fast AF, unusually high noise levels kept NextBit's smartphone out of the... more

The Nextbit Robin looks like your standard smartphone, but its cool blue exterior houses the first real cloud-based phone. It's an innovative device, but unfortunately its camera falls short of the best in its class. DxOMark has put the Robin through its standard mobile tests, awarding it 81 points and putting it in 18th place in DxO's mobile rankings. While image testers liked the Robin's good detail preservation and fast AF, unusually high noise levels kept NextBit's smartphone out of the... more

Noise reduction for night sky photos can be tricky, because the algorithms at play often reduce the sharpness of your stars while removing noise in the darkest parts of the sky. In this video tutorial, photographer Dave Morrow shows you how to avoid this issue... more

Among the features introduced in Nikon's new D5 and D500 DSLRs, we're very excited by automated AF Fine Tune. This feature allows users to quickly fine-tune their specific camera bodies and lenses, maximising the chances of a sharp shot and avoiding the lengthy process of trial-and-error tuning that was previously necessary. Watch our video and read our in-depth analysis.

What's the problem?

If you're a DSLR shooter, you may be acutely aware of consistent front or back-focus issues with... more

In this article I will describe how to construct a simple reflectance transformation imaging (RTI) setup using an Arduino microprocessor and a 3D printer.

It can sometimes be difficult for a single photograph to adequately record and represent all of an objects important detail. By using RTI photographic techniques, researchers are better able to enhance an objects individual topography, texture, and color.

Unlike one single photograph, an RTI... more

Camera technology has come a long way in the last two decades; heck, it’s come a long way in the last 5 years. But sometimes even decades old tech can keep up, like... more

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Production studio and early VR adopter Condition One has created its own rugged VR camera for internal use called 'Bison,' a name which references the first thing the companys founder Danfung Dennis recorded with an early prototype. The camera won't be... more

Theres nothing like a spot of macro photography for making you stop to appreciate natures tinier gems.

I have never classed myself as a macro photographer, and as a landscape photographer I’m usually all about the big views and dramatic scenery. But sometimes as a photographer you just have to stop and smell the roseswell in this case crocuses and orchidsalong the way!

Spring is the perfect season to experiment with macro photography as meadows... more
