Photography News

German photography duo Michael Fertig and Phil Schreyer of Flash Bros shared this humorous video of a portrait shoot they recently did outdoors. There were extremely strong winds blowing, and getting the... more

The Wacom riding owl in the video above may be the best photo retouching accessory I’ve ever seen. Something tells me this little guy doesn’t come included with a new Wacom tablet.

I feel like he looks down like he’s judging your photo retouching skills. If he sat on my hand while I was working, I probably would be way more motivated as well! I mean, would you want to disappoint him?

Here he is again, micro-managing a Photoshop job as usual:

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Photographer Kaylyn Messer was browsing Facebook recently when she learned that there was a large ice circle in the river close to her home. She grabbed her camera, jumped into her car, found the circle, and shot... more

The prominent English photographer Lord Snowdon has died. Snowdon became one of the best known photographers in the UK through his documentary photos of royalty,... more

Want to learn photography from Harvard? (Yes, that Harvard.) It turns out you can easily do so, even without being a student. The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States offers... more

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We've added additional photos, most taken at 150mm, to our Canon EF-M 18-150mm F3.5-6.3 IS STM gallery. This lens, equivalent to 28.8-240mm when mounted to one of Canon's EOS M mirrorless cameras, sounds like a good choice for travel photography. Click... more

Shooting the moon: behind the shot with Peter Alessandria

I planned this shot out two weeks in advance. I knew I wanted the moon to encompass Lady Libertys crown and torch. I love the ferry passing in front. This is a single exposure.

Peter Alessandria is not only an... more

If your invitation to the Presidential Inauguration got lost in the mail, you're in luck: USA Today will be live-streaming the event in 360-degrees thanks to some customized Nikon KeyMission 360s. Cameras will be positioned at the Capitol, the National Mall and along the parade route so that viewers can take in the whole event. It will all be broadcast on USA Today's YouTube channel. For a truly immersive experience, you'll be able to use the YouTube app with your VR goggles.

The ... more

Shoot Portraits, Not People: Jason Siegel's photographic 'weapons'

Photo by Jason Siegel

Glance at a piece from Jason Siegel's 'Shoot Portraits, Not People' art installation and you might think you're looking at a high-powered weapon. But if you look closer, you'll quickly see that guns and grenades are all made up of photographic equipment.

Siegel is a Denver-based lifestyle photographer, with a professional portfolio that includes work for clients in the clothing and... more

Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert is being accused of a very rudimentary style of censorship by photojournalist Jim Lo Scalzo. According to Lo Scalzo, Gohmert got up and physically blocked his view so that he couldn’t photograph protesters during attorney general nominee Jeff Sessions confirmation hearings earlier this week.

Sessions’ confirmation hearings were frequently interrupted by protesters, which the photographers in the room naturally wanted to capture. However, Lo... more
