Photography News

2016 was a very interesting year for street photography. It seems that more and more color work is getting popular. Especially in scenes with high contrast light, color images seem to be on equal footing with their colorless counterparts.

I’ve put together a collection of 40 of my favorite street photographs of 2016. The list covers amazing amateur photographers from all over the world who graciously granted me permission to display their pictures.

Through these... more

After ABC News aired an interview with President Trump this week, controversy erupted after people began accusing the White House of Photoshopping a photo of Trump to make his hand look bigger than it actually is. It turns out that Photoshopped photo was actually a fake.

The photo in ABC’s broadcast at the center of the controversy is one that is currently hanging near a staircase in the White House.

The... more

Photographer Mathieu Stern made this 2-minute video walkthrough on how you can remove fungus on the glass elements of a camera lens.

Stern recommends removing the affected glass... more

When I started working in photography, digital already ruled the industry. I never got the chance to perform controlled photography (don’t wanna use the term “professional”) using film.

Analog photography was always a long distant nostalgic memory of family trips to the countryside shooting with a disposable Kodak camera. Even so, I always had this curiosity about shooting film, so I bought an old medium format camera some years ago to see what this shooting... more

My name is Trevor Gavin and I’m a photographer based near San Francisco. I’d like to share a very personal story of my darkest time. Its a part of my healing and a part of moving on. Its the only way I... more

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Looking to kickstart your pet's career as an internet sensation? The organizers behind the Comedy Wildlife Awards have a new competition that's a little closer to home. Entries are now being... more

Photo via Sony

If you wondered why it took Sony so long to get back on its feet after an earthquake hit its sensor fabrication plant in Kumamoto, this picture taken in the aftermath might give you a clue. The halt in production at the factory had a devastating effect on large sections of the camera industry in 2016 as it was the provider of sensors for a huge range of products from the Nikon DL cameras to the 100MP backs for Phase One and Hasselblad medium-format bodies.

This picture... more

One year of planning, one year of shooting, and four months of post-production is a lot of time to spend on a single timelapse, but photographer Morten Rustad‘s creation SEASONS of NORWAY makes a good... more

You probably didn’t know this, but at the beginning of this year, you could still purchase a brand new boxed copy of Adobe’s four-year-old Creative Suite 6 by calling an Adobe call center. But as of January 9th, Adobe officially pulled the plug on CS6: now it’s Creative Cloud or bust.

The news wasn’t so much announced as slipped into an update to Adobe’s... more

We talk about composition a lot, but have you ever really dived into the subject of color theory and thought about how it applies to your photography? If you haven’t, you should… and arguably the best place to start is this incredibly comprehensive demo by landscape photographer... more
