Photography News

Phase One has announced a mono version of its 100MP IQ3 medium format camera back. The $50,000 camera has no color filter array or IR filter, so should produce higher levels of pixel sharpness as well as offering greater sensitivity. It can integrate with its IQ3 XF camera as well as being compatible with a range of other medium format cameras.

When it comes to the 'why?' question, Phase One talks about 'timeless expression' and suggests it will appeal to photographers engaged in 'fine... more

ISO 200, 1/250 sec, F6.3, 400mm | Photo by Sam Spencer

Sigma's new 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM super-zoom lens is well-suited to wildlife photography. We put it on a Canon EOS 5D IV, found some avian subjects and put the results into a sample gallery. We'll be adding more photos in the near future, so stay tuned!

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Hello Mr. Bear.

Action cameras have made documenting all of the extreme, dangerous and downright stupid things human beings subject themselves to an incredibly simple endeavor. But the truth is most folks' videos end up looking more like this than like... more

When the Canon 6D was first released in 2012, it was a big deala lightweight DLSR that significantly lowered the barrier of entry into the full-frame market. But that was almost 5 years ago, and people are hungry for a Mark II. Fortunately, they won’t have to wait long.

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Videos are made up of about 24 frames every second, but what would happens if you fed a single photo into a motion prediction algorithm, and asked it to create the next 100,000 frames de novo after that? This video is what happens.

This experiment was undertaken by a Google Engineer and artist named... more


How do you capture the beauty of an ocean wave with a single still image? You turn it into a cinemagraph, of course.

After discovering the potential of the Puppet Warp tool in Adobe effects, Dutch cinematographer Armand Dijcks started to experiment with creating 'cinemagraphs' of images of moving water, using Flixel Cinemagraph Pro to create the infinitely looping animations.

After perfecting the technique,... more

When editorial journalist Nick Didlick arrived at Churchill Downs for the 143rd running of the Kentucky Derby, he wasn’t toting Canon 1DX Mark IIs or Nikon D5s. No, he came equipped with six Sony a9 cameras to... more

There are almost as many ways to carry your camera gear as there are photographers, but what are the best and worst options? In this video, TheCameraStoreTV host Christopher Niccolls... more

The folks at Night Crew Labs just created something awesome. In March, they strapped a Sony a7S and an external recorder to a weather balloon, and launched it up to about 78,000 feet. From there, they captured what... more

A new device called Trophy Camera uses artificial intelligence to compare its own photographs with the world's most iconic images. During the comparison, Trophy Camera's AI looks for specific characteristics common in photographs that have won World Press Photo yearly since 1955. Photos that show at least a 90-percent positive correlation with these notable characteristics are then uploaded to the camera's... more
