Photography News

Michael Brown is an award-winning director and a pioneer of adventure filmmaking. He has summited peaks on all seven continents (including five summits of Mount Everest) and made first kayak descents of wild rivers in places like Bhutan and Chile, all with the camera rolling.

Brown goes into some of the worlds most hostile environments where theres little room for error and comes away with stunning visual footage and stirring stories that remind us of our shared humanity. He believes... more

CP+ 2016: Fujifilm gets new X-Pro2 and X70 into photographers' hands

Fujifilm didn't announce any new products at CP+ this year, but the show is the first chance that a lot of Japanese enthusiast photographers have had to get their hands on the X-Pro2 and X70, which were unveiled last month.

CP+ 2016: Fujifilm gets new X-Pro2 and X70 into photographers' hands

In an effort to get cameras into photographers' hands, Fujifilm is running a rental service at this year's show, where prospective... more

A few months ago I was working on putting together a still life shoot with a fantastic stylist and a friend of mine, Kiki Tse. She had come up with this beautiful idea for a shoot: to represent a person in a still life context by the use of some of their personal effects.

To know someone’s... more

Things haven’t been going well for B&H Photo Video, one of the biggest names in the photography retail industry. Just months after being slammed with accusations of mistreatment and... more

Let me begin by saying that Im not a hunter. But I am surrounded by hunters because I live in Minnesota. Ive heard countless stories about deer hunting from co-workers and friends, but the most interesting story was from a seasoned hunter who told me that now he only hunts for a trophy buck because hes hunted everything else and hes only interested in getting the big one.

He goes on to describe what the big one may look like broad shoulders, big neck, and apparently the size of... more

Ian and Erick Regnard are two Mauritian-born photographers who have won big awards for... more

Almost everything I do as a photographer comes back to this challenge: seeing light as a cinematographer would on set. I was recently reminded of this in conversation with a friend and fellow photographer as I was trying to think of the best advice I could give to someone wanting to step up their lighting game. So Im sharing one of my lighting journals from film school, it was my sort of ah ha moment after several semesters of confusion and frustration when it came to lighting.

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Instagram co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom paid a visit to the Pope at the Vatican yesterday. The photo sharing tycoon and the leader of the Roman Catholic Church chatted about the power of photography.

TIME reports that the two men discussed how images... more

Tablet selfie stick not ridiculous enough for you? Check out the Macbook Selfie Stick. It lets you mount a Macbook (or any laptop, for that matter) at the end of a long telescoping pole for easy self-... more
