Photography News

Cropping a photo just right can be challenging, especially if you’re working on a smaller laptop screen. Use this quick Lightroom tip from the folks at Adobe to help you get more precise results every time.

The tip is super simple, just do two things when you’re ready to crop your image. (1) Press Shift + Tab to hide all of Lightroom’s panels and make your image as large as possible on the screen. Then, (2) press “L” twice to enter... more

Verizon will be the new owner of Flickr. The telecom giant announced today that it will be acquiring Yahoo’s core Internet business... more

Nikon D500 versus D750: Which one is right for you?

The Nikon D500 and D750 scored 91% and 90% respectively when we reviewed them. They both received gold awards. They're about the same size, pretty much the same weight and currently, they both cost about the same amount of money, too. So if you're a Nikon shooter looking to upgrade your camera, which one is right for you?

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'Get closer' is photo advice that the Canon EF-M 28mm F3.5 takes to heart. It can achieve focus as close as 9.4cm/3.7in, and brings a couple of built-in LEDs to the party to brighten things up. It's not perfect, but it's priced attractively and if you're a Canon EOS M shooter then we think this little lens is a great way to experiment with macro photography. Read... more

'Uh, what is that thing?'

'What is that thing?' That's the question I was asked pretty much every time I took the Panono out shooting. There is a lot of curiosity surrounding 360/VR content and my week spent fielding questions from curious onlookers as I dipped my toes into a new, more immersive photographic world is proof of that. In fact, only once did someone... more

Here’s a quick retouching tip that almost every portrait photographer will end up using at least once: how to quickly and easily fix shiny or oily skin in both Photoshop and Lightroom.

This short tutorial was put together by... more

In one of the most daring (and cost saving) feats of do it yourself engineering we’ve ever seen, the folks at YouTube channel Indy Mogul managed to recreate a remote-controlled... more

If you’ve ever been curious how some of the beautiful desktop wallpaper images in Apple’s OS X operating system were shot, you’re in luck. It seems Apple forgot to scrub the EXIF data from one of the El Capitan wallpapers, giving you a glimpse into how it was shot, and how it was edited.

The slip (if it was a slip) was discovered by New Zealand photographer... more

Not everything looks better in slow motion, but a whole lot of things do. Case-in-point, check out this behind the scenes video that shows a high speed robotic arm being used to capture slow motion footage, and then shows you the sweet results. (Warning: There is very brief nudity around 1:40).

The video was released back in January of 2015 by... more
