Photography News

Instagram is preparing a big release. According to a report by The Washington Post... more

Virgina-based photographer Ray Reynolds is finding out that there are consequences to covering one of (if not the) most controversial public figures in the world. Ever since he began... more

Printing a hologram usually involves some sort of special materials or lenses, but a company called Lumii has invented a way to do it with a regular old Epson inkjet printer! The resulting ‘lightfield prints... more

It’s time for a long overdue post. Looking back through my archives, I realized that I’ve covered topics like film selections... more

8 Tips For Shooting Waterfalls

Photographing waterfalls can be a tricky endeavor especially when shooting in conditions where the light can change drastically depending upon the weather conditions. If you've ever struggled to get the waterfall shot you envisioned, you've come to the right place. This article will cover everything from basic tips to more advanced techniques to... more

A team of researchers from Princeton University and Adobe Research have detailed a new project in which they use a 3D computer model of a head and a virtual 'full perspective' camera to manipulate the perspective of a single portrait. The manipulations... more

Plotagraph Pro is an incredible new photography tool that can take any still image and animate it into a beautiful looping GIF or video file. No need to shoot a video or capture multiple frames... more

Photographer Carol M. Highsmith rocked the copyright world this week when it was revealed she was... more

Legendary director Stanley Kubrick was known to be obsessed with cameras and pushing the limits of cinematic technology, with much of his technical awareness stemming from his days as a stills photographer. A new video essay by the British Film Institute now explains his use of different lenses to create the movie Barry Lyndon, which won an Oscar for its... more
