Photography News

If you’ve fallen in love with Sony’s new high-end G Master line of lenses for the full-frame mirrorless A7 series, this should make you very happy. A reliable source is confirming that the next G Master zoom lens will be a 16-35mm f/2.8.

The news broke... more

This is nuts. Curious what 24-4000mm equivalent zoom will get you? This demo video, shot with the 83x optical zoom Nikon P900 superzoom, will show you.

Basically, this camera can take you from a parking lot to the surface of the moon, because while its optical zoom maxes out a holy-crap 83x, the camera can keep going with digital zoom. The... more

It’s not glamorous, but the first glimpse we get of the long-awaited GoPro Hero 5 may be this super short how-to video that shows you how to connect the unreleased action cam to your smartphone. Still, even at just 9 seconds, there’s plenty to be gleaned by this “sneak peek.”

GoPro tinkerer Konrad Iturbe discovered the video buried inside the GoPro Android app APK.... more

Back in June my poor little Nikkor AF 50mm F1.8D (and attached body) took a tumble off our patio table.

This was the last image I took before it fell to its ‘death’ (SOOC):

The lens saved the much more expensive body from damage, but jammed the lens assembly at an odd angle against the barrel. Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of it, because I wasn’t thinking I wanted to document my stupidity at... more

The year was 1999. Y2K loomed large, people actually used America Online via 56K modems, and I had just been taken out of school early by my parents to see Star Wars: The Phantom Menace at the Cinerama. As a fifth-grader, I remember thinking it was mostly alright.

People in 1999 probably thought the Sony Mavica FD-91 was mostly alright, too. Phil Askey certainly thought so. It has an optically stabilized zoom lens with plenty of reach, abundant external... more

Ever since the Prisma app swept people up in a frenzy of photo-to-painting simulation, people have been waiting for Prisma to release the video version. They’re working on it, but a Russian company has actually beat them to the punch.

The company, (... more

Remember KitSentry? The security-focused camera bag ecosystem... more

Word that Hasselblad is making a powerful camera attachment for Lenovo’s Motorola Moto Z phones has been in the rumor mill for months, but today we’re getting our first substantial look at the unconfirmed MotoMod.

In case you’re behind, Motorola not-so-recently announced the Moto Z and Moto Z Force, modular... more

Imagine how crazy sharing a picture of your dinner with your friends would have been back in the 18th century? Actually you don’t have to imagine, IKEA did it for you in this tongue-in-check nod to sharing the perfect dinner shot.

The ad is part of IKEA’s latest ad campaign, and it’ll probably hit home with at least a few of you reading this. Whether you’re the long-suffering friend, like the daughter in the video, or the perpetrator, it’s a fun... more
