Photography News

The IOC has a lot to worry about this Olympics: making sure the athletes are safe, making sure... more

The opening ceremony hasn’t even kicked off yet, and olympic photographers are already having a hard time in Rio. Case in point: News Corp photographer Brett Costello recently... more

In this short Q&A exchange, filmmaker Kevin Smith delivers an important message to all creative peoplebe they photographers, filmmakers, writers, or anything else. The message is this: create... more

There’s nothing as hard in photography as the thing I’m writing about today. I even don’t really know where to start. I’m just going to describe what happened.

On the 25th of May, 2016 I received a message on my phone stating that a newborn, no older than three weeks, was going to die in the next few days. The parents wanted to have a few picture of their little wonder before destiny would eventually rip their world apart.

I have... more

If you use Zenfolio to host your photography portfolio, make sure you’re aware of the company’s Easy Photo Album Design Service, which launched in May 2016 to... more

It’s your job as the photographer to make your subjects look their best, and one of the first steps to making this happen consistently is knowing how to find a person’s “good side” for portraits. It is possible, and photographer... more

A European starling murmuration is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena on Eartheach bird reacting to its 7 closest neighbors, the whole flock an ever-shifting mix of patterns and shapes.... more

Foto Nouveau is a new watch and accessory brand that offers designs inspired by vintage and modern camera designs.

The company was founded by... more

The Lenovo Moto Z and Moto Z Force smartphones have a unique feature: they accept accessory modules, so-called Moto Mods, which attach to their back plates magnetically and via 16 connection pins. At launch, Lenovo showed the InstaShare projector, a JBL Soundboost 6 Watt speaker and a 2220 mAh battery pack, but unfortunately the previously rumored camera module did not materialize. ... more
