Photography News

We all have heard about cases of sexual harassment or simply disrespectful attitutes towards females in workplaces, which sometimes get buried under the never ending mazes of bureaucracy, some other times they lead to job losses, penalties, warnings, sometimes plain ignorance.

Weve also seen several cases gain public attention whether through high profile trials in the court that are reported in the media or cases where social media brings them to our... more

If Puma or Nike or anybody else wants to photograph Usain Bolt from now on, the fastest man in the world says they’ll have to do it on Jamaican soil. It’s a decision Bolt made in order to help bolster his country’s economy and help people back home.

The news “broke” in a profile Bolt did for Television Jamaica, in which Bolt said any advertising shoots he does from now on will have to be done in his home country.... more

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Thanks to their use of individual pouches for camera bodies and lenses and the ability to expand their size, ThinkTank's Shape Shifter camera bags are known to be among the most versatile in the business. Now ThinkTank has funneled years of feedback from... more

Ricoh has released firmware version 1.10 for the Pentax K-70 camera. The update is a small one, bringing general stability improvements alongside a couple of minor changes. The download for Windows and Mac, as well as the installation instructions, are available here. The changelog lists the following updates:

  • Enabled ISO sensitivity to change during multiple exposures... more

The human eye can’t possibly see how light washes over a portrait subject when you fire your strobethe speed of light is simply too fast. But someone actually managed to capture the whole process on camera… nanosecond by nanosecond.

This interesting video demonstration was captured using a technique called... more

This person deserves a slow clap…

Someone finally did (and recorded) what many of us want to do when a friend whips out the smartphone to capture their dinner for Instagram posterity. Check out the video above for your dose of silly humor this week. (Warning: Strong language.)

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Join us as we take a nostalgic trip into photography’s hey day. It’s 1978, and you’re a fly on the wall at Contact Press Images, working with world-class photojournalist David Burnett on a photo essay about the last traditional cattle drive.

That, in essence, is what this little short documentary titled “Moving Stills” is all about. It’s a fascinating look at how... more

Getting into fashion or beauty photography doesn’t have to involve getting lots of expensive gear right away. As New York City-based photographer Jeff Rojas shows you in this short tutorial, you can... more

“365 Days of Photos,” “One Photo a Day,” “One Shot, One Day,” “365 Challenge” Do these sound familiar to you? Have you ever wanted to take at least one photo a day, every day… and I mean Every. Single. Day?

Well I did. I read a few interesting articles about it and I must say I got very excited back then. But then I started making mistakes. Here are a few great ways I found that’ll make sure you fail... more

Here’s a really neat quick tip about your standard, in-the-box Canon camera strap that you probably didn’t know about. That rubber thing attached to the strap? It’s actually serves a very specific purpose.

Photographer... more
