Photography News

Typically, the term gobo is reserved for the lens filters and patterns that are affixed to theater lights. The terms flag or cucloris/cookie are actually more accurate for what were going to be using in this post, which is an object placed between the light and the subject, but not attached to it.

For the sake of simplicity, however, Ill use the term gobo to encompass all such modifiers. So, what can you use to make a gobo? Here are some ideas.

As I... more

Los Angeles-based photographer Laura Izumikawa Choi is winning hearts across the Web with her portraits of her 4-month-old daughter Joey Marie Choi. While Joey naps, Laura carries out cosplay photo... more

A man in San Francisco was beat up last week by a group of 3 people after he took pictures of a freak accident on the street. The whole assault was caught on camera.

The incident occurred last Tuesday when a taxi driver had a medical issue, which caused him to hit the gas and steer the yellow cab onto a city sidewalk, striking a shoeshine stand and... more

We've only had the 5D Mark IV for a couple days, but that hasn't stopped us from taking it out for a bit of shooting. Take a look at some sample images from Canon's latest full-frame DSLR.

*Raw conversions have been performed with a very early beta build of Adobe Camera Raw. Image quality may not represent the final shipping version.

Canon EOS 5D IV: What you need to know

It's been more than four years since the launch of the Canon EOS 5D Mark III, and just head of this year's Photokina trade show in Cologne we finally have a successor: the EOS 5D Mark IV.

While externally similar to the 5D III, and the higher-resolution... more

Ive always found Olympus cameras to have excellent quality. But when I first picked up the PEN-F, it was immediately apparent that the quality of this camera is of a higher caliber. The PEN-F oozes quality.

The attention to detail, the way it feels in my hand, the satisfying heft of the camera, I knew, was all... more

Russian photographer Ekaterina Busygina has published a beautiful set of photos from her travels to the province of Guangdong, China. It’s a look at how ultra-modern cities are rising from... more

Curious Droid made this 9-minute video that takes a look at 5 of the most amazing camera technologies, both those in existence and those that are coming soon. They... more

Jeanne Adams is the daughter-in-law of the late and great landscape photographer Ansel Adams, and she served as the head of the Ansel Adams Gallery for 25 years. In the 10-minute interview above, Jeanne talks to Marc... more
