Photography News

As a wedding photographer, nothing beats a good old fashioned celebrity cameo. Cue Tom Hanks, walking right into NYC photographer Meg Miller‘s frame while she was out... more

Upon first glance, this photo appears to show presidential candidate Hillary Clinton being ignored by a crowd of people pointing their phones at something out of view to the left. But nope… what you see is selfie culture.

The bizarre photo was captured during a campaign event in Orlando back on September 21, and is now going viral on the Web.

2016, ya'll.... more

Capturing powerful landscape photographs, images that might be considered “Fine Art,” is no easy task. Here are 7 tips that have helped me to capture better, more meaningful landscape photos.

Don’t worry too much about the “Fine Art” concept

There are endless online discussions about the true concept of Fine Art, many regarding photography. As soon as you say that you’re a “Fine Art” photographer you are bound to... more

By day, Christiaan van Heijst is an airline pilot who flies 747 jumbo jets around the world. By night (and often by day as well), Van Heijst is a talented photographer who captures breathtaking... more

Back in April 2016, ON1 announced Photo RAW, the first all-new RAW photo processor to emerge in a decade and one that... more

Photokina is without question the biggest photography show in the world, and as such, the venue at which manufacturers routinely showcase their biggest and most exciting releases. We were on the ground in Cologne, Germany before the show even began to bring you the most in-depth content we could write on the most important innovations we could find.

But now that Photokina has come and gone, we've had some time to reminisce over everything we saw in... more

Faced with a massive bank of windows in a new studio space, YouTube’s Koldunov Brothers came up with a creative and customizable “daylight control system” that lets... more

It turns out the only thing standing between Olympus and even better image stabilization than the E-M1 Mark II‘s already insane 6.5 stops… is the rotation of the Earth.

This fascinating bit of trivia came out during an interview... more

Some call it gear obsession, you’ve probably heard it called Gear Acquisition Syndrome (or GAS), but regardless of the name, there’s no better time to discuss the dangers (and potential benefits) of suffering from camera gear obsession then the week after Photokina.

In this video, photographer Mark Ryan Sallee of... more

Fotr is as close to film photography as you’re likely to get out of your iPhone. The new iOS app acts just like a film camera: you have to buy “digital” film, and every single photo you... more
