Photography News

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016 winners announced

Entwined lives. Tim Laman, USA, Winner, Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016

When we heard that the winners of the 2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition had been announced, we were all ears. The... more

Photographers are increasingly being asked to seek informed consent from people they photograph in development and humanitarian situations. The stated intention is to protect their rights and dignity.

As two photographers who have been engaged in humanitarian photography for decades, we offer some thoughts about how we understand informed consent as neither informed nor consent. We believe it offers little to protect the rights or dignity of people we... more

This Nikon 1 rangefinder from 1948 is the earliest known surviving production Nikon camera in the world. It’s up for sale at the Westlicht camera auctions,... more

Kodak got the photo world talking this week by announcing its new photographer-focused Ektra smartphone. Along with the camera, the iconic camera brand has also unveiled a new logo… one that’s a rebirth of an old logo.

The new logo was created by the New York-based studio Work-Order, and it replaces the red Kodak word mark logo... more

Nara Dreamland was a theme park in Japan that was built back in 1961 and inspired by Disneyland. After the number of visitors dropped, the theme park was permanently closed in 2006 and has been abandoned ever since. French photographer... more

The iPhone has become one of the most popular cameras in the world, but the actual components that go into the iPhone’s camera don’t cost very much materials-wise. Apple is estimated to spend about $26 on the iPhone 7’s camera module, representing just 9.5% the bill of materials for the entire phone.

That fact comes from the analyst firm Chipworks, which just published... more

In a huge blow to the aerial photography and camera drone industry in Sweden, the country’s highest court has ruled that it is illegal to fly camera drones in public places because they qualify as surveillance cameras.

The Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden... more

 Continuing his video series, Marc Silber of Advancing Your Photography interviews Ansel Adams' son Michael in Ansel's home. In this episode they discuss Ansel's book 'The Range of Light' which contains some of Ansel's most famous images from Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada. They also discuss Ansel's thoughts on how to develop your skill set as a photographer. Michael says that Ansel would have encouraged new... more

If you have an old film camera or point and shoot lying around collecting dust, why not put it to some practical use? This quick video will show you how to use the camera’s flash to light product shots and portraits on the cheap.

This is another simple little DIY tip from the Russian... more
