Photography News

Freelensing is the use of a lens decoupled from your camera, manual orienting the lens on various angles to tilt and shift the lens to alter the focal plane. Freelensing is a great method of isolating your subject or creating interest in an otherwise flat or busy scene. This technique has been around for ages but helps achieve a similar look to that created by a tilt-shift lens used often in wedding photography.

Freelensing a stock lens has big limitations. Since it is... more

Most photocopiers (AKA Xerox machines) these days use a technology called xerography, which is also known as electrophotography. While it’s almost always used as a means to create copies of documents, electrophotography can also be used as a photo process... more

Here’s an interesting side effect of Facebook’s popularity in photo sharing: printed Facebook photo screenshots. Reddit user OutbackBrah was recently taking a look at some photos his aunt printed at Walmart... more

We've been toying around with Samsung's WB2200F, which resembles a small Canon 1D X more than a superzoom, for several weeks. We picked out our favorite photos from this 60X zoom camera and have compiled them into a real-world samples gallery for your enjoyment. View photos

Warning: This post contains photos of injured veterans that are difficult to view.

“The Unknown Soldier” is a powerful portrait project by photographer David Jay, who spent three years visiting and photographing wounded veterans returning from... more

Since 2012, photographer Kenneth Brandon has regularly ventured into the great outdoors at night to shoot time-lapse photos of the dark sky. He recently began to wonder what a time-lapse would look like from a point-of-view on his telescope rather than through it, so he attached a DSLR... more

Here’s a new 1-minute commercial that’s one part poignant and one part humor, going to great lengths to preach the simple message that real moments in life deserve real photographers to capture them. The company behind the spot is the stock photography service Latinstock Brazil.

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Finnish photographer Tiina Törmänen wanted to capture how small and fragile humans are in the unfathomable expanse of space, so she shot a series of stunning self-portraits showing her silhouette dwarfed by a backdrop of stars and the Northern Lights. The series is titled “... more

Need to do a quick tracking shot on a table but don’t have any dedicated camera equipment for doing so? A book and some fine powder can be a cheap and easy way to get the shot in a pinch.

Paige Russell of Instructables writes that this idea can come... more

OldSF and OldNYC are two websites created by software engineer... more
