Photography News

If you’re a Nikon photographer using iOS devices, you may be in for a treat in the near future. Rumor has it that Nikon and Apple are currently collaborating on a secret new iOS app for Nikon cameras.

Nikon Rumors wrote back in... more

With many cameras now supporting integrated Wi-Fi connectivity, a good number of photographers are editing their photographs while still on the road. There is a variety of applications on both iOS and Android that offer different feature sets at varying price points. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best offerings to help you pick out what may be the best solution for your circumstances.

Photoshop Express — Free for iOS/Android

Our first... more

Miggo, maker of non-traditional camera straps that convert into wraps, announced in April that it would launch its new 'storm-proof' camera bag Agua on Kickstarter in early June. That crowd-funding campaign is now live. The Miggo Agua bag has an IPX3-standard rating, which means it can protect gear from pouring rain and similar types of water exposure. Read more

Adorama has launched a new mini documentary series called “Through the Lens,” or TTL for short. It’s a weekly online show that will explore “the evolving aesthetic of photography as seen through this generation’s creator class.”

Two episodes have been released in the series so far. Both of them are 5-minute profiles of popular Instagram photographers. It’s a look at who they are and how they work.

Episode #1:... more

If you ever have the opportunity to photograph lions from the safety of a car on a game preserve, be sure you heed the warnings to keep your windows closed and doors locked — it could save your life.

The dangers of having your window open... more

Hasselblad has announced a new aerial camera that it says provides the 'ultimate' in image quality for aerial photographers. The camera, the Hasselblad A5D, has no moving parts and as such avoids unintentional internal mechanical movements that aircraft vibrations can cause. Read more

If you’re wondering why copyright infringement is so widespread on the Web and why wealthy artists like Richard Prince can test the boundaries of copyright law without much worry, consider this: by the time... more

Here’s a funny little 30-second blooper reel drone shot by aerial photographer Daniel Peckham. While capturing some beautiful footage of the sun over the Pacific Ocean, Peckham’s “epic” shot came to a surprising and abrupt end.

“... more

High-end retoucher Pratik Naik of Solstice Retouch created this 8-minute time-lapse video showing how he retouched the hair and skin in one particular portrait over the course of 2 hours and 8 minutes.

Here’s a before-and-after look at the photo, originally shot by photographer... more

I recently took a Polaroid picture photo, but it turned out to be a dud… so I decided to dissect it for science!

After I took the picture, the photo above is what the camera spit out — I guess that’s how they expire. So lets do some digging!

Here’s the back side:

The serial number?

There was a portion that was already starting to de-laminate.

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