Photography News

It's that time of year again where spring begins to give way to summer. Soon, the sun will be shining, the days will be getting longer, and it's time to start planning those summer photography trips and travels. As you prepare for your summer adventures, it's essential to have the right gear to make the most of your photography experiences. Tripods... more

Sony announced the new Xperia 1 VI smartphone which is packed with a lot of exciting and novel features. However, unlike the Xperia 1 V and prior models, the new "One Six" isn't coming to the United States.

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Intel announced Thunderbolt Share, a new software feature that leverages the speed of a Thunderbolt connection to enable two PCs to share files, screen, storage, and inputs like mice and keyboards through a Thunderbolt 4 or 5 connection.

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Capture One's move away from perpetual software licenses marches on and it has replaced its Multi User license system with what it calls Capture One Studio for Teams. It has some improved features to be sure, but it also costs upwards of 344% more per year.

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A Yellowstone National Park guide filmed a photographer who refused to move away as a grizzly bear and her cubs crossed a highway.

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In late February, Sigma surprised us by announcing its 15mm F1.4 DG DN Diagonal Fisheye lens, an optic squarely aimed at astrophotography... more

When I was a photojournalist, turning up for jobs and getting my camera out meant I then had to download the images to a computer, edit, send, et cetera. But what if there was a way to skip the camera part and take an image with my mind instead?

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Image: Canon

Canon has announced it is developing the EOS R1, which it describes as the "first flagship model for [the] EOS R system."

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It would be consistent with the company's previous development cycles to deliver a pro sports flagship in time for the 2024 Summer Olympics, so it doesn't come as a complete surprise.

The company... more

Wise released a batch of CFexpress Type-A memory cards last year that made lofty promises but weren't certified to uphold them. The company has done the right thing and its new cards have more capacity options and are certified to be faster.

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Canon published an official development announcement for the EOS R1 and while not a lot has been revealed, it is the company's first public acknowledgment of what will be its top-end camera.

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