Photography News

During the Great Depression, the US government launched the largest photography project it ever sponsored by sending photographers across the country to document America. Of the 170,000 photos captured by photographers such as Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, and Arthur Rothstein, some of them showed other photographers at work with their cameras.

We’ve gathered together a collection of photos showing photographers during the Great Depression (and the few years following it)... more

Last week, the Museum of Modern Art unleashed a free online course on Coursera entitled Seeing Through Photographs as taught by MOMA Department of Photography Curator... more

Earlier this month, Instagram finally added support for switching between multiple accounts in the same app. Now the photo sharing service is adding another oft-requested feature: 2-factor authentication.

That’s the security feature that texts a security code to your phone when you’re logging into your account to verify that it’s actually you doing the login. It... more

Dear Friend,

Oh how life has changed in such a short number of years. When I started out in photography I was still shooting film and sending trannies to magazines on the other side of the world.

Everything, and I mean everything, has changed!

I was asked a question the other day: if I was starting out today what would I do differently? Sheesh, that got me thinking and asking questions and looking closely at the way I did things and I do things now.

... more

Here’s a short and sweet 2-minute-tip by New York-based photographer sports and music photographer David Bergman on the subject of using your camera in extremely cold weather. Batteries... more

You probably know about the chicken and the egg problem that aspiring wedding photographers experience. On one hand you want to shoot your own weddings as the primary photographer, but on the other hand you dont have enough experience or an adequate portfolio to attract clients, and on top of that when you shoot as a second photographer you are not allowed to show your work.

My suggestion is rather simple: every time you get invited to an event, whether a wedding, a bar-mitzvah... more


A team of researchers at Rice University are developing a thin, lensless camera called FlatCam, which replaces the traditional lens with a grid-like coded mask essentially made of multiple pinholes positioned directly over the sensor. From there, raw data from the camera - which looks nothing like an actual image - is sent to a computer where an algorithm demultiplexes the raw sensor measurements to reconstruct a photo... more

Want a crazy photography challenge? Try photographing a snowflake. Want to make it even more challenging? Try doing it with the wet plate collodion process.

That’s what a couple of photography professors over at the Rochester Institute of Technology recently... more

Nobuyuki Kobayashi is a Japanese photographer who creates gorgeous platinum palladium photo prints of nature. His project is titled “Portrait of Nature: Myriads of Gods.”

Kobayashi was born in 1970 and began his photography journey with shooting portraits and fashion photos of... more

Jeremy Cowart has an inspiring life story that he wants to share with you. Growing up with bad grades and no self-confidence, Cowart didn’t seem destined for anything great. Fast forward a few decades, and Cowart is now a sought after celebrity portrait photographer who’s considered to be... more
