Photography News

Wish you could capture smooth, shake-free video or photographs on the move with your smartphone? Wish no more. The new “Smoovie” is an affordable, effective stabilizer for your... more

If you love old film cameras and constantly want to know more about them, then we’ve got the perfect YouTube channel for you. It’s called, appropriately enough, “Old Cameras” and even veteran film photographers might learn a thing or two from a... more

The Canon EOS M line of mirrorless cameras hasn’t been a big hitat least not in the US of Abut Canon may do something big with it by the end of this year. We’re talking “full-frame mirrorless” big.

According to... more

Lytro has ditched the world of consumer cameras, and if the Lytro Immerge wasn’t proof enough of this decision, their latest announcement should seal it. Yesterday, Lytro debuted “the worlds first Light Field solution for film and television,”... more

Often we feel like we need reasons why we take photos. We need a purpose; a sense of direction. But my tip for today is this: photograph for photographys sake.

I feel that the most intrinsically rewarding types of activities are autotelic activities (activities which you do for the sake of it). Auto means doing something by yourself, and telic is derived from the Greek word telos which means goal.

So for autotelic activities the reward is the... more

A little over a month ago, we shared some amazing drone photos of Hong Kong that truly captured the density of that megacity. Now, photographer Andy Yeung is back with the... more

We could just let the swirly bokeh of the photo above sweep us away, but alas, we have a new lens to tell you about. It’s Lensbaby’s exciting new Twist 60, and in case the portrait didn’t already clue you in, it’s Lensbaby’s take on the... more

Lensbaby has announced the Twist 60, a new lens for creative photography. From what we can see, the Twist 60 is all about bokeh. The 12 aperture blades and a maximum aperture of F2.5 should give a soft, well-rounded bokeh with good separation of the subject from the background, but the real 'twist' is just that - the twist. Specifically the twisty, swirly bokeh.... more

Hands-on with the Hasselblad H6D

Hasselblad claims that its new H6D is a completely new camera and is redesigned 'from the ground up' on a completely different platform. The new platform is one of electronics compared to the mechanical bias of its previous models, and consequently there is a good deal more communication between the back and the body and the new HC lenses.

The general thrust is one of modernization with a mass of upgraded specification that brings the companys flagship... more

A group of tourist photographers in the UK found themselves in the middle of a tense, awkward situation this week when they were confronted, detained by, and accused of paedophelia by a group of angry mothers who thought they were photographing children. They were, in fact, taking photos of a fountain at the seafront.

According to... more
