Photography News

If you ever see an ultra-slow-motion clip online, there’s a good chance that it was shot using a Phantom high-speed camera. The 12-minute video above is a behind-the-scenes look at how the cameras — which cost upwards of $150,000 — are made.

In the video, Gav from the popular YouTube channel... more

SLO is a new 35mm camera that’s a bit different from most cameras out there. Every single part in the working camera — even the lens — was created using a 3D printer.

The project is the brainchild of 3D designer... more

Facebook is changing its policies after a torrent of bad publicity and public outrage over its decision to censor an iconic Pulitzer Prize-winning photo. The social network will now allow photojournalist Nick Ut’s famous “Napalm Girl” photo from the Vietnam War.

The story exploded around the world yesterday after the... more

Facebook is updating its Moments photo app to become more competitive in the world of hosting and sharing. The new version adds the ability to host full-resolution photos and share them over the Web.

... more

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For many of us, the phrase 'family photo' can stir up memories of long, uncomfortable sessions, being made to wear clothes we didn't like, sitting with siblings we liked even less. But despite the reputation they've gotten for being... more

Marc Silber from Advancing Your Photography continues his interview series with Ansel Adams son Michael in this video. Marc visits Ansels home and discusses the concept of pre-visualization in photography and Ansels writing, workshops and techniques with Michael. 

In the interview, Michael also details what made Ansels work so special my favorite quote from the video comes from Michael as he paraphrases Ansels... more

It’s an apology, but it sounds a little bit like a #humblebrag, too. Fuji X-T2 production can’t keep up with demand, and so the company has released an official apology to those buyers who will have to wait a little longer to get their hands on Fuji’s new mirrorless camera.

The statement went up on Fujifilm Japan, it... more

Meyer Optik’s renaissancestarting with the special Trioplan ‘soap bubble bokeh’has been nothing short of spectacular… and it’s not over yet. In a bid to continue growing, the company is bringing back yet another lens from its storied past:... more

The iPhone 7 has a newly designed 12MP camera with a six-element, optically stabilized lens. As well as stills it can shoot 4K video at up to 30p, and the iPhone 7 Plus offers a twin-lens camera providing 28mm and 56mm focal lengths. 

Another year, another iPhone, the usual chorus of Internet commenters going to great lengths to tell the world how little... more

There’s one feature of Laowa’s exciting 12mm f/2.8 ‘Zero Distortion’ lens that’s flown mostly under the radar: their special ‘Frog Eye Coating’ (FEC). But after watching this demo, you’ll have to admit it’s pretty incredible.

A clear hydrophobic (AKA. water repellent) coating, FEC makes it basically... more
