Photography News

I recently built a Trash Cam out of a trash can, large format lens, and Sony a7S II.... more

Window reflection portraits are a popular style, but you don’t need to live near an empty cafe on a busy New York City street (do those even exist?) to create a photo like this. The effect is pretty easy to replicate in Photoshop in just a few steps.

The detailed walkthrough was created by... more

iOS 10 finally brings Raw capture and editing to the iPhone, and a range of camera and editing apps have already integrated the new feature. The RAW by 500px app does the same but takes things a step further by adding image licensing and on-demand photography assignments to the feature set.

After editing your images, they can be submitted to 500px for... more

GoPro’s much-anticipated Karma camera drone will finally be unveiled next Monday (9/19), but today we’re getting our first tiny glimpse at what the drone will look like. GoPro just put out its latest Karma teaser, and this one shows the drone itself briefly whizzing by.

Here’s the 25-second teaser video, titled “... more

Today, Zeiss adds a fourth member to the Loxia lens line of compact, high-quality lenses for Sony full-frame E-mount cameras. Introducing... more

Following speculation that such an announcement was imminent, Leica has taken the wraps off its new Sofort instant camera, something photographers can use to create small, haptic works of art and lasting memories, according to the company. The Leica Sofort features a fixed 60mm (34mm equivalent) lens with an F12.7 aperture, an integrated flash, eight operation modes, 1/8 to 1/400s mechanical... more

Leica today officially announced the Sofort, the company’s very first instant camera. It’s a compact snapshot camera that shoots Fujifilm Instax Mini film.... more

Qualcomm thinks dual cameras are the future of smartphone photography, and they’d like to get on the train before it picks up too much steam. Enter ‘... more

Holy recycle time batman! Photography speed demons get your bibs out, because Profoto just released a new monolight that’ll get the salivary glands going strong. It... more

500px’s latest app “RAW” is more than the name implies. Not only does it let you shoot and edit RAW photos on your iPhone, it also helps you license those... more
