Photography News

Keyboard shortcuts, or “Hotkeys,” are indispensable in Photoshop. So the folks at Phlearn dug into their collective knowledge to come up with their... more

 A polling station in Nashua, New Hampshire. Photo by Mark Buckawicki via Wikimedia Commons

A law prohibiting New Hampshire voters from taking self-portraits with their ballots has been deemed unfair. Taking self-portraits with your ballot markings in a voting booth has been illegal in that state since 2014 and punishable by a fine of up to $1,000. The law was put in place to avoid potential vote-buying schemes. Politicians feared that the ballots in the images could be used for tracking... more

Narrative, the company behind the Narrative Clip, has stopped selling its life-logging cameras. The Narrative Clip, first unveiled four years ago, is designed to clip to the owners shirt, where it snaps photos of their day in 30 second intervals. The camera has been updated since, but failed to appeal to consumers in any large way, and now the company behind it has stopped both... more

While embedded with troops in Afghanistan in the late 2000s, war photographer and writer Michael Yon captured numerous photos of the sparkling halo that can appear when a helicopter’s... more

Carrying a reflector around town with you is useful, it’s just not usually practical. That’s where the new Flash Bag comes in. This creatively... more

Serbian photographer Dusan Stojancevic has figured out a great way to make his photos of iconic landmarks stand out. Instead of pointing his camera directly at them, he captures the landmarks... more

If you ever come across this photo being referenced as an old portrait of scientist Marie Curie, don’t be fooled. It’s actually a 2001 photo of an actress playing Marie Curie — a photo that has fooled a number of countries around the world.

The photo was captured photographer Paul Schroder and shows actress Susan Marie Frontczak. Here’s an uncropped and colorized version of the same photo:

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This is one of the more inspirational, down to Earth, GAS busting gear monologs we’ve seen. Originally published in 2015, this video by... more

With a few exceptions, 2005 was a fairly typical year for new digital cameras. There were millions of point-and-shoots, some ultrazooms (which, back then, were closer to 12X than 60X), and a handful of DSLRs.

In September of that year something big arrived (literally and figuratively): the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-R1. The R1 was the first non-SLR camera to sport an APS-C image sensor - a giant leap from what most compacts were using at the time (2/3" was about as big as you got.)... more

The Film Look made this 2-minute video showing how they created customized lens caps to help better identify and keep track of them.

After buying some cheap generic lens caps... more
