Photography News

In this article I'd like to take you on a nighttime adventure to the remote Torres Del Paine National Park in Chilean Patagonia. This highly photographed park has attracted many photographers, and for good reason: it offers incredible mountainous landscapes and wonderful weather conditions, making for very interesting photography. 

There are many hiking routes in the park, which range from relatively easy to hard. After visiting Patagonia in 2014 to scout for my '... more

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Photographing abandoned spaces has gained a reputation to some as a voyeuristic act, with little respect paid to the subject or its history. But for Matthew Christopher, it's much more than 'ruin porn.' He runs... more

The news that Samyang was finally making autofocus lenses was a big deal, but for some reason the company decided to launch the first two lenses in only Sony FE mount. That, it seems, will soon change.

In... more

“I get it digital picture frames are dead, uninteresting things that we all tried and left on the wayside with fax machines and 8-track tapes,”... more

Without a frame of reference, it’s impossible to conceptualize how massive the world’s largest oil tanker, the world’s deepest mine, or a B-2 bomber’s wingspan really are. That’s where these composite photos by Kevin Wisbeth come into play.

Wisbeth is a college student and the creator of YouTube channel... more

AER is based on the premise that you don’t need a drone to capture sweet aerial shots. Nope, just snap your GoPro into this Nerf football looking... more

The Ask First Campaign is not primarily about photography, it’s about consent. But when the campaign’s popular stickers and their message was recently applied to photographers... more

Researchers with Adobe and the University of California-Berkeley have detailed a new AI-powered photo manipulation tool that enables sophisticated photo modification using target images and/or crude user sketches. The end result is a realistically altered photo that has been machine-modified (or, in the case of blank images, completely machine generated) to match a target image without extensive 'natural' user... more

With iOS 10.1, currently available in beta, the new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are capable of recording Raw image files. Adobe has now updated its Lightroom app for iOS to take advantage of this new feature. The capability to shoot Raw images with all Apple devices with 12MP camera had already been implemented in version 2.5 of the app, but the latest version  v2.5.2 now also comes with lens and sensor profiles for both new iPhones, including specific optimizations for the dual-... more

About a year ago, Barcelona-based production company myLapse set out to capture some of the most colorful coral species on Earth in a way the naked eye simply could never pick up. They wanted to show these... more
