Photography News

Last week, we told you that Casey Neistat was saying goodbye to his hugely popular daily vlog. Today, we found out what he’s planning to do next. Neistat’s new home will be the cable news network CNN, which just acquired the 11-person team behind... more

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If putting your gorgeous retro-styled camera on an ugly, modern tripod just bums you out, filter maker Cokin has a solution. They've worked with Slik to produce the Riviera Classic... more

As you probably know by now, this month, TIME is busy sharing the stories behind the 100 most influential images of all time. And today, they shared some fascinating insights into the famous photograph of 11 construction workers having lunch on a steel beam 840 feet above New York City.

The photographwhich is sometimes referred to as “Men at Work”is... more

Cokin’s new Riviera Classic tripod is a long time coming. It was only a matter of time before the “retro” craze hit the tripod market, leading to the Riviera Classic... more

Photography is dangerous. Just editing a photo and getting OK results is enough to get you hooked.

Then you get an entry-level DSLR. And a cheap 50mm lens and play with depth of field. And you need a tripod. And an extra battery. And memory cards. And a zoom lens. And a remote. And a flash.

Then you try a friend’s mid-level camera. Then you get a mid-level camera. And now you think what’s really holding you back are your lenses. You start... more

If you think your smartphone photos and other digital images look a little bland straight out of camera, you now have one more app at your disposal to give them more of a film-like appearance. London-based app maker RNI has launched its new Colibri app. Colibri is essentially an image filter app for the iPhone, albeit a slightly special one. The filter algorithms behind the app use machine learning... more

Drone defense vary greatlywe’ve seen everything from drone-specific shotgun shells to trained police eagles. But none of those have anything on... more

VideoLan has launched VLC 360, a new version of the media player that supports 360-degree videos and images. The current release is a technical preview; all of its features are slated for inclusion with the final VLC 3.0 release across all platforms. VLC 360 Technical Preview is currently only available for macOS 10.10 or later and Windows 7 or later.

VideoLan teamed up with Giroptic to introduce these new... more

For one reason or another, us photo nerds are obsessed with shutterswhether it’s watching them fire in slow motion or listening to the hefty *kachunk* of a solid camera shutter. To that end, here’s a little peak (and listen) at what the medium format Fuji GFX shutter looks and sounds like.

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Last year I bought a new Fuji X-Pro 1. I bought it as a camera to keep in my pocket, not really as a serious option, but I’ve loved it from the moment I snapped the first pictures. I even bought a second one, used, and converted it to infrared.

The quality of the RAW files is incredible, and so is the quality of the lenses. I really enjoy the OVF and the option to switch to EVF as needed. Low or high ISO, the quality is superb, and I started to bring the... more
