Photography News

Belgian artist Vincent Bal has a fantastic ongoing project titled... more

Here’s a camera that provides smooth results… on your taste buds. Over in the UK, the chocolate shop The Amazing Chocolate Workshop is selling a vintage Nikon SLR camera created... more

Chinese optics company Venus caused a stir when it announced a 12mm F2.8 lens with claims of almost zero rectilinear distortion. The lens is comparably small in its super wide-angle class, and its claims of little barrel distortion are pretty tantalizing. Senior DPR contributor Damien Demolder spent some time getting to know it check out his images below.

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Remember that camera we found on YouTube a few months back? The same one that just smashed its Kickstarter goal? Yeah… it’s awesome. And this demo by... more

Kai’s departure from DigitalRevnews we shared earlier todayhas made some pretty big waves throughout the photo industry. Where will photo lovers go for their slightly inappropriate, kind of funny, sometimes annoying camera reviews now!? No worries, Kai’s got you covered.

As we mentioned earlier, the former host of DRTV isn’t done with... more

Google Earth Timelapse lets you experience the changing face of our planet like nothing else out thereyou can watch glaciers move, forests grow, and cities expand. Today, that... more

Google has updated its interactive Earth Timelapse feature with better imagery and several years of new data. The massive update added petabytes of new data and brings it up to the current year. 

Detailing the update in a blog post, Google says updated images are sharper 'with truer colors and fewer distracting artifacts.' Earth Timelapse was introduced in 2013 and includes images recorded as early as 1984.

Basically, Google's Earth Timelapse presents users with 33... more

Now that I have used Lightroom for many years, processing photos from two different camera systems (Canon EOS and Fujifilm X-series), I have realized that the most important setting in the Develop module is Profile in the Camera Calibration panel.

Profile is always the first thing that I set, as it determines the contrast and color interpretation of the photo. This is the starting point for processing the Raw file. The point you start from can greatly... more

Google has created a new Featured Photos screensaver for Mac that lets you enjoy some of the best photos being created by photographers around the world.

If you share a photo... more

Slapping a camera onto a pair of glasses isn’t a new idea. But if Google Glass was too high tech for your taste and Snapchat Spectacles are just not your style, then you may want to give the... more
