Photography News

People's Choice Award shortlist for 2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year Announced

Facing the Storm by Gunther Riehle of Germany / Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Fans of wildlife and nature photography can now have their say in the annual People's Choice Award for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year... more

If you’d like to back up your photos and collaborate on them locally, then creating a private cloud with a network attached storage (NAS) server is one way to go. One option on the market these days is Western Digital’s... more

Apple, we had a good run Through the many iPads, iPhones, MacBooks, Mac Pros, heck, even the Apple Watch, it was a good run indeed. However, times have changed, and that beauty that was once your innovation has now been covered up with the makeup that is nice marketing.

Dont get me wrong, I am writing this on iMac number three, but like all other Apple products, it will soon be slower and barely usable due to some OS update that, while not mandatory, will show... more

It’s not every day that you come across a camera that’s big enough for the photographer to stand in. But that’s what photographer Ross den Otter built for the recent... more

Perfect pet portraits

A few weeks ago we visited an animal adoption center in Seattle, to shoot some portraits of the dogs (and cats) awaiting owners at The Motley Zoo. When we published our video feature recently... more

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The folks at Lensrentals had high hopes for the construction of Nikon's new ultra-fast 105mm F1.4, and in some many ways were satisfied with what they saw inside the lens. Take a look at a few images from the process above, and head... more

Neil Leifer‘s photograph of Muhammad Ali standing over a knocked out Sonny Liston is, without a doubt, the most iconic image of the heavyweight champion ever captured. And now, you can own the... more

The folks at RocketJump Film School had a little bit of fun with food last month. Just before Thanksgiving, they gave us a peek at some of the weird tricks food stylists and food... more

Not satisfied with the massive glass plate camera (nicknamed “baby”) he was already shooting with, photographer Kurt Moser decided to go big for his next camera … like really... more
