Photography News

Toronto-based photographer Peter McKinnon created this short video that shares 8 clever, quick, and easy camera hacks in the span of about 90 seconds.

“These are 8 camera hacks I use frequently when I... more

Camera+, one of the most popular camera apps for Apple's iPhone, has received a major overhaul and version 9 now supports some of the new features that were introduced with the latest iPhone 7 generation and iOS 10. With Camera+  9 you can now use the iPhone 7 Plus dual-camera, and Camera+ will let you choose how the system behaves in low light. You can either force it to use the longer lens with... more

I recently shared photos of landscapes in the Netherlands turning purple in August. For my latest series, I wanted to show the lesser-known beautiful areas of my country.

The Netherlands is famous for the beautiful canals in Amsterdam, the tulips, and of course the windmills. The the Netherlands also has some beautiful forests that you can get lost in... more

It’s not just memory cards that are widely counterfeited in the photo industry: there are plenty of fake cameras and lenses floating around as well. Now Canon wants you to know about a quick and easy way to see if your... more

An interesting story about ethics in photojournalism has emerged today: the New York Times has published a correction to... more

Yahoo announced back in September 2016 that an estimated 500 million accounts were stolen in late 2014. If you haven’t changed your Yahoo or Flickr account passwords yet, there’s now some even worse news: Yahoo... more

If you want to see a truly rare camera, look no further than the Olympus 'Camedia' C-211 Zoom Digital Printing Camera. The big feature of the C-211 Zoom ($800 at launch) is immediately obvious it's a camera and photo printer in one. Even if you found a C-211 in a thrift shop you probably couldn't even print anything, as it uses the now-defunct Polaroid 500 instant film.

... more

On August 6th, 1945 Russell Gackenbach captured a historic, horrifying event on his personal camera. From the bowels of an Air Force bomber, he snapped two pictures of the first atomic bombing when a 9,000-pound uranium-235 bomb named ‘Little Boy’ obliterated the city of Hiroshima, Japan.

In the video above, created by... more

Photo via UNclimatechange on Flickr. Used under Creative Commons license

Over 150 photojournalists, filmmakers and media professionals have signed an open letter addressed to major camera manufacturers, asking them to add... more
