Photography News

AP photographer Burhan Ozbilici is a photojournalist incredibly dedicated to his job; so dedicated, in fact, that he kept on taking pictures when a gunman shot and killed Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov at a... more


The Canon EOS M5 is the most enthusiast-friendly EOS M yet. It's a 24MP mirrorless camera built around a Dual Pixel APS-C sensor, giving it depth-aware focus across most of the frame. On top of this it adds a built-in electronic viewfinder, a good number of external controls (including twin control dials) and a well implemented touchscreen.

This level of direct control puts it comfortably ahead of Sony's... more

Have Your Say: Best Gear of 2016

For the past few weeks we've been running a series of polls to find out what you - our readers - think of the major product releases of 2016. For the first round of voting we made initial five polls covering lenses, compact cameras and interchangeable lens cameras (ILCs). Now that those polls have closed, we're pleased to announce the winners.... more

30 Rising Stars of Wedding Photography

Rangefinder magazine has announced selections for its fifth annual 30 Rising Stars of Wedding Photography for 2016, based on submissions by photographers from over 200 countries. Rangefinder is the official publication of the... more

Industrious YouTube user Grant Thompson recently subjected the GoPro HERO5 Session and HERO5 Black cameras to a chilly torture test: dunks in liquid nitrogen. He first tested the experiment with an older Session camera, hoping to avoid the destruction of two perfectly good new cameras if death proved swift. However, the older Session held up surprisingly well, and so he put the two new cameras to the test, literally freezing them solid. See the results in the video above.

Via:... more

We’ve seen some interesting DIY flash diffusers, but I can’t remember ever seeing someone use a blown up balloon. Which is a shame, really, because it’s a cheap and effective way to soften your pop-up flash, or even a small speedlight.

This DIY tip comes from our Russian friends the... more

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Chinese optical manufacturer Mitakon has announced a macro lens with a maximum magnification ratio of 4.5:1. The Zhongyi Mitakon 20mm F2 4.5x Super Macro offers the opportunity to fill the frame of a 35mm-sized camera with objects four and a half times... more

Tag along with photographer Manuel ‘Manny’ Ortiz on a recent trip to a snowy park with his favorite portrait subject (his wife), favorite portrait lens (the Sony 85mm f/1.4 GM), two speedlights, and the... more

Image sharing site Dronestagram is no Instagram, with its 600 Million users, but the drone-specific social network does contain some of the best aerial photography on the Internet. And today, they revealed... more

I know that for a lot of people, the cold keeps them inside, but it can be really rewarding to go out in the bitter cold. Tonight I got the bug to go out and shoot, but the air temp was -15F (-26C), with a windchill of -30F (-34C).

Here are a few reflections:

1. Bundle up. It’s really not optional. In temperatures like this, you can get frostbite in a shockingly fast time (less than half an hour). It’s not worth losing body parts for any photo.

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