Photography News

DPReview Awards 2016

Here at DPReview we handle a lot of gear. This year, plenty of amazing cameras, lenses, accessories and other products came through our doors, and we hope you've enjoyed reading about them as much as we've enjoyed writing about and testing them.

Last year, for the first time, we decided to get together as a team and discuss what we thought was the best gear of the year in multiple categories. This year we sat down again and made a list, checked it... more

The Canon 16-35mm F2.8L II USM has been a workhorse for landscape photographers like myself for many years. Although I use this lens nearly every time I head out to shoot a location, I do have sort of a love-hate relationship with it. The corners are always fairly soft and never seem to get sharp (even after you stop the lens down) and chromatic aberration can be an issue as well (it can be removed through post processing, but at a slight cost to sharpness).... more

Happy Holidays

As we celebrate our eighteenth anniversary (the site officially launched December 25th, 1998, when some of our staff were still in elementary school) I'd like to wish each and every one of our visitors a very Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Season's Greetings/Happy Hanukkah/Merry Festivus* (*delete as required).

As you can might be able to spot from the picture above, I wasnt personally able to attend the put on a festive hat and pose for a portrait session due to the fact... more

Fresh out of the box: Getting started with your first ILC

For the more established and experienced photographers of the internet, I will borrow the dedication page to Mark Z. Danielewski's "House of Leaves:"

This is not for you.

This article is for your elderly neighbor, your young nephew or niece, or anyone whose photographic journey up to now begins and ends with a smartphone.

If this describes you, then hello. Welcome. You,... more

If you were to ask me about a specific time in my life when photography made a significant impact, I would say the fall of 2011. For my birthday, my husband surprised me by taking me out for lunch at a tiny burger dive, and then stopping in at the local art museum. Hes not exactly an art-lover per say, so I was a little confused by the move… until he explained what they were showing.

There was an exhibit with every Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph since they started... more

Behind the scenes at the NFL with Ben Liebenberg

NFL Senior Photo Editor and Lead Photographer Ben Liebenberg and Seattle Seahawks Richard Sherman Ric Tapia/NFL

You may see Ben Liebenberg running down the field trying to out pace the Seattle Seahawks Richard Sherman after a game to grab a shot (above photo) or photo bombing the annual NFL draft ceremony from backstage... more

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Photography hobbyist and industrial designer Jordan Steranka has published images of a new concept tool called the... more

My name is Sam Vox. I am a freelance photographer from Tanzania. I became a full-time photographer because of... more

I covered an event some months ago over a period of a few days during which, as you can imagine, many hundreds of photos were taken. Due to the popularity of this event, (we’ve covered it over a number of years, thankfully) I knew the folks that were a part of it were really going to be anxious to see, share, print, etc.

After editing and uploading their photos to the online gallery, they ended up having a really great selection of photos that told the story of their event... more
