Photography News

Variable neutral density filters allow you to choose the amount of light entering your camera. What if it were just as easy to adjust your softbox for portrait lighting? A new “Active Diffusion” technology may soon make that concept a reality.

Back at NAB 2010, a company called... more

The above photo is taken at 28mm at f/11 on an ancient Minolta 28-85mm lens, the focus was set to about 2.5 meters and according to the depth of field scales everything should be in focus… but it isnt.

In fact, there is considerable separation between my patient model and friend Perc Carter and the background, which is easy to see in the crop below, yet the edges seem to be in reasonable focus, how the hell can this happen?

That, folks, is the product of the... more

Say hello to Kamerar ZOOM, the world’s first dual lens attachment system for the iPhone 7 Plus.

There are currently two lens... more

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For its latest smartphone generation, Google has dropped the Nexus moniker of previous models and used Pixel branding borrowed from the company's top-end Chromebooks and tablets. The Pixel XL is the larger of two models and comes with a 5.5" QHD-screen... more

Engineers with Tohoku University have detailed a new project in which a CMOS sensor with a global shutter is able to record ultra-high-speed footage without the constraints of existing technology, namely short-duration recording and low resolutions. The end result is a CMOS sensor capable of recording one million frames-per-second over a 'large' duration of time, relatively speaking (480 micro-seconds in this case), at full resolution.

By re-designing the sensor... more

Swedish photographer Tomas Jnsson has taken and shared two photos with what he claims is an unreleased Nikon D7** full-frame DSLR. They’re low-light photos so utterly unbelievable that, if they are indeed legitimate, they mean Nikon has an incredible ace up its sleeve.

Both photos, spotted first by... more

Its not every day you get to experiment with new forms of media. We have seen astonishing new ways to move the camera from drones to gimbals which can push the boundaries of photography and videography.

We have seen the rise of in-depth podcasts from companies like Gimlet Media change the radio game. And news as a whole has seen drastic changes in distribution from social networks to digital subscriptions. But with 360 video, we had to invent the techniques and write the book... more

Following up on their incredibly popular experiment attaching a GoPro to the end of an arrow and stabilizing the spinning footage, the guys over at... more

I ditched my DSLR in favor of an iPhone back in 2012, well aware of what I was giving up. But I love to travel light, and by using the iPhone as my only camera, I could get rid if the heavy and bulky backpack with all the lenses and stuff.

Everyone knows the iPhone takes excellent photos in good light; my biggest struggle since switching has been getting decent night shots. I’ve tried various approaches to improve the quality of my night photography using an iPhonehere are... more
