Photography News

One of the most popular free alternatives to Photoshop out there is GIMP, an open source graphics editor that packs a lot of punch. But if you want GIMP to really improveadding features like high bit depth and CMYK... more

Theres a staggering fact on photographer Malin Fezehais website: The number of people forced to flee their homes across the world has exceeded 50 million for the first time since the second World War.

For... more

Here’s an 8-minute video by the YouTube channel Magic Lens that shows how you can create magical wedding ring photographs using ordinary things found around the house.

The... more

In case you were wondering, the answer is “Yes,” the FAA means business when it comes to drone operators violating airspace regulations. This unfortunate lesson comes at the hefty cost of $200,000 for one Chicago-based company.

The FAA originally came after Chicago-based... more

CMYKwhich stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (or Black)is the color model used in most printing. It’s called a subtractive color model, and if you don... more

It’s a well-known “fact of the Internet” that almost anything will look cool if you shoot it in super slow motionthe “Slow Mo Guys” have made quite a YouTube career out of it. But even if you’re getting sick of the trend, watching popcorn pop at 30,000 fps will probably still delight.

This video was not put together by the Slow Mo Guys. It was shot by the... more

Seattle seems to be the epicenter of drone-related mishaps this week. Just a few days after we shared the story of a man who ran his drone into the city’s iconic space needle, another man has been convicted of reckless endangerment for knocking a woman unconscious when his drone fell out of the sky at a parade.

The original incident dates... more

On New Year’s Eve, you might think the people in Times Square were treated to the best light show… but you’d be wrong. Photographer Aryeh Nirenberg, enjoying a full row of seats on his... more

Without a doubt, Instagram is one of the most exciting social media platforms anywhere. It is now ranked the number two most active social media platform by number of users (just behind Facebook) with over 600 million participants.

As a photographer who has been slowing building a following on Instagram over the last three years, I have a love-hate relationship with the app. Hate might be a bit of a strong word choice in that last statement, but you get the point. Trust me, I... more

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If you've searched high and low for the perfect USB charging station but come up empty handed, Fotodiox might have your number. It's offering the Mirage Trio USB Charging Station, which is fashioned to look like a Sony a7-series mirrorless camera for no... more
