Photography News

In the summer time at Scott Base in Antarctica, there are 4 months in which the Sun never sets. From the latter part of October through the latter part of February, the Sun stays above the horizon line, giving each day 24 hours of sunlight.

New Zealand filmmaker Anthony Powell... more

What memory cards perform the best with the Canon 5DS’s 50.6 megapixel photos? To find out, Camera Memory Speed recently tested 75 different CF and SD cards with the camera to see which ones would come out on top.

Examining 57 SD cards and 18 CF... more

If you want to experience what it’s like to shoot as a combat photographer, but don’t want to actually risk getting shot at, you can look into photographing war reenactments. Lucas Ryan is a photographer who shoots reenactments, and last year he covered... more

Focal Camera is an open source project designed to teach participants about the inner workings of a camera. With access to a laser cutter, a supply of 3mm plywood and the directions provided, you can be well on your way to creating a camera of your own. Read more

Canon has taken the main DSLR awards for the best products of the year as voted by the prestigious European Imaging and Sound Association. The EOS 7D Mark ll won 'European Prosumer DSLR Camera' while the EOS 5DS/5DS R won the award for 'European Professional DSLR Camera'. Read more

If you’re a dog lover, photographer Amanda Jones has a photo project that will tug at your heartstrings. After photographing 30 different dogs as puppies years ago, she revisited them and captured what they look like as older dogs. The before-and-after portraits, a series titled “Dog... more

Have you ever wished you could remotely control your smartphones camera with a trigger remote disguised as a 35mm film canister or a mini twin-lens reflex camera? If so, then your wish has been granted by the Japanese company Gizmon. For a small price, you can pick up one of these cute and colorful gadgets... more

Over the past year, Dutch artist Mathijs van Oosterhoudt has been developing a new camera system. No, it’s not a high-tech digital system that’s intended to go up against the major camera companies. Instead, it’s an open-modular camera system... more

This month at the 2015 Flash Memory Summit, Samsung introduced an SSD with the highest capacity ever: 16TB. The new drive has a total usable storage space of 15.36TB, exceeding all other similar high-capacity SSDs. Read more

Want to see what a speeding bullet leaving a handgun looks like at 73,000 frames per second? Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman of Mythbusters recently decided to find out by pointing a Phantom v2010 high-speed camera at Hyneman... more
