Photography News

I recently discovered a glitch with SmugMug that’s now causing me a massive headache. If you use SmugMug, this may be negatively impacting your business as well, so this article is a heads up for any photographer on SmugMug that may be affected.

The problem is with SmugMug’s system for announcing galleries to clients. They have an option for entering custom text in your announcement, so you can customize this to include passwords and other relevant info that SmugMug... more

Every day, NASA releases a photograph from their collection that allows us to admire the great blue and green planet we call Earth. Recently, the agency released a picture of a group of small island cays in the Bahamas. The most interesting aspect of the photo... more

Photographer Lucian Hunziker wants to give you a whirlwind tour of the history of portrait photography. For his new photo project and book titled ... more

It seems there's just no limit to the growth of Facebook-owned mobile image-sharing platform Instagram. The company just announced it has reached a stunning 400 million active users, an increase of 100 million compared to the figures released in December 2014. Read more

Alright photographers, heres something esoteric from a person that isnt esoteric at all. For a minute, lets just forget about all the settings, lenses and cameras we photographers love to talk about all day long. This article is solely dedicated to your inner creative soul. That deep, underlying voice of your photography that influences all your creative decisions. What is it in you that actually leads to hitting the shutter?

Picasso once said: Every child is an artist. The... more

Vantage Robotics has a new 4K camera quadcopter called Snap, and it's now up for pre-order. The company calls this a 'flying camera', one that fits in a backpack and is safe enough to grab out of the air with a bare hand. Read more

Youve spent the last few hours working on the perfect photo shoot and everything went better than you could have possibly imagined. After importing the RAW files to your PC and making a few edits in Photoshop, it is time to save your masterpiece. But, what file type do you select? With over twenty different file types to choose from, we are here to break down some of the most popular and tell you a bit about their strengths and weaknesses.

The well-known JPEG format is the... more

Remember that strange vacuum cleaner lens we featured last year? A new version has been unveiled, and this one sucks even more than the original.

The Fujin Mark II looks like a Canon prime lens, but it’s actually a small vacuum cleaner that’s designed to remove dust and other particles from inside your DSLR.

Inside the Fujin is a high-speed electric fan... more

DxOMark has released its test results for the LG G4, which boasts a 16MP 1/2.6" sensor and F1.8 lens. Other camera features include a laser system to support autofocus speed and accuracy, 3-axis optical image stabilization and an LED flash. We've updated our LG G4 camera review with a summary of DxO's findings - find out what makes the G4 worthy of DxO's top 10 mobile rankings. Read more... more

This article is about how this time slice shot of a lunar eclipse was made. Its focus is mainly on the planning that went into it, even before the first shutter click. Hopefully by sharing what I did, I can prepare you for creating your own lunar eclipse photo.

Let us start off by getting some key details of the event. There are several web sites that provide details on the astro events (like... more
