Photography News

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The folks at Lensrentals had high hopes for the construction of Nikon's new ultra-fast 105mm F1.4, and in some many ways were satisfied with what they saw inside the lens. Take a look at a few images from the process above, and head... more

Neil Leifer‘s photograph of Muhammad Ali standing over a knocked out Sonny Liston is, without a doubt, the most iconic image of the heavyweight champion ever captured. And now, you can own the... more

The folks at RocketJump Film School had a little bit of fun with food last month. Just before Thanksgiving, they gave us a peek at some of the weird tricks food stylists and food... more

Not satisfied with the massive glass plate camera (nicknamed “baby”) he was already shooting with, photographer Kurt Moser decided to go big for his next camera … like really... more

A new patent suggests Canons engineers might be working on a curved sensor design to reduce vignetting. Japanese blog Egami reports on a patent that was released on the 24th of November and describes an image sensor design with a flat central portion, where light fall-off from the lens is not much of an issue, and curved edges, where fall-off is generally more noticeable. This approach, rather than using a sensor... more

If you’re an Olympus OM-D E-M1 user, we’d suggest you hold off on updating to the latest firmware. Version 4.2, which added some focus stacking capabilities, seems to be leading to corrupt images and locking up cameras.

Several... more

Think Tank Photo has launched a new online Outlet Center offering discounted camera bags. These items, as is sometimes the case with outlet stores, are new products that may for one reason or another lack their original packing material and/or their sales tags. The Outlet Center currently lists 16 bags, though no doubt the number will fluctuate based on inventory. Price reductions... more

The kit lens that comes with most consumer-grade and entry-level DSLRsthe infamous 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6isn’t exactly anybody’s “go-to” lens. It’s far from useless thoughhere are three simple “hacks” that’ll help you squeeze a bit more performance out of your kit lens.

The video comes to us from Russia with love, courtesy of the Koldunov Brothers featured previously on PetaPixel... more

Olympus OM-D E-M1 owners are reporting issues using their cameras after updating to firmware version 4.2. Forum member Denjw reports problems with focus stacking and corrupted image files after updating to 4.2, echoing comments from German blogger Pen-and-Tell. Firmware 4.2 in part added support to the E-M1 for focus... more

Are great photographers born, or made? Hearing the story of street and portrait photographers Eriberto Oriol and his son... more
