Photography News

If you captured a range of exposures for a certain scene, you don’t have to painstakingly adjust each one once you’ve got them in Lightroom. This really useful tip from the... more

For the past 8 years, San Francisco-based photographer Nick Steinberg has been obsessed with shooting fog. Through tireless researching and hunting, he has built up a gorgeous portfolio of “fog... more

Adobe has announced that Photoshop CC now supports the Touch Bar found on certain models of the new Apple MacBook Pro. Three categories of Touch Bar functions are currently supported, including brush selection, customized favorite actions and layer properties. The update that brings this new support is available to download now. 

When using the Layer Properties section with the Touch Bar... more

Ive had my Snapchat Spectacles for a few weeks now, and Im really impressed by the videos you can make with them.

Using these techniques, my latest Spectacles video got over 200k views. Heres how you can get better snaps with your Specs:

Tip #1: Keep your hands in the shot

Showing your hands in the video helps remind people that the video is first person. Thats what makes Spectacles specialyoure filming what you see with your own eyes.

... more

German photo brand Leica has announced new firmware for its full frame SL mirrorless camera, making it fully compatible with the latest version of the companys tethered shooting and remote control applications. Firmware 2.2 bolsters the cameras ability to operate with both Leica Image Shuttle 3.5 for Mac and Windows, as well as Tethered Plug-in 1.1.0 for Mac. Image Shuttle is the companys application for controlling the camera remotely, while Tethered Plug-in allows images to be drawn... more

Have a photography loving fella or gal on your list this year? Feeling crafty? Running out of time to get them something? If you answered yes to these questions, these last-minute DIY gift ideas for photographers might just be your saving grace.

The ideas were put together by our friends... more

Light meters aren’t nearly as popular these days as they once were, but even if you have one in your bag, it’s probably nothing like what you’re about to see here. The meter in this video by YouTuber... more

Photographer and digital artist Karen Alsop wanted to bring Christmas cheer to sick children, so she decided to use her photography and Photoshop skills to transport them to magical places. She calls it the... more

Heres a simple, fair, and free-to-use wedding photography contract that includes payment schedule, harassment, privacy, deliverables, and cancellationsin other words: everything you need in a professional service agreementbecause Christmas!

From the time I first started wedding photography (almost 6 years ago). until today, I have yet to find a free wedding contract template that is fair to both parties and is simple to understand. So I drafted one up, in layman’s terms,... more

Adobe today announced a new update for Photoshop CC that brings Touch Bar support for Apple’s latest line of MacBook Pro laptops.

“This update will help the full spectrum of Photoshop CC users, from beginners learning to navigate Photoshop CC to experienced users looking to make their workflows faster and more efficient,” Adobe... more
