Photography News

When it comes to race event photography, Gameface Media has quickly become a name a lot of photographers and event organizers recognize, whether it be for better or worse.

In case you’re unaware of... more

When the selfie-stick craze began happening a couple of years ago, photographer and educator Russell Squires decided that he wanted to go beyond using “a lightweight flimsy stick” and a smartphone, so... more

Sometimes people ask me why I started shooting videos on a phone and the answer is not that easy. I believe the best camera is the one we always have with us, in our pocket. Maybe it’s not the most powerful of course, but at least we can bring it with us all the time.

What crazy, if you think about it, is that we can now shoot 4K videos with our smartphones.

I also love challenges. Shooting a $500,000 dollar commercial on a RED Helium 8K and two trucks full... more

In-body IS

Panasonic's new GH5 flagship will be hitting the streets soon, joining the GH4 in the company's line of video-centric cameras. With our eye on video features, we take a look at the ten biggest differences between these two cameras.

Although this article is mainly looking at video shooting, the biggest physical change between the GH5 and its predecessor... more

Why do I need another lens?

So youve just bought your first interchangeable lens camera? Thats excellent. Whichever camera youve bought, its likely to be able to support you in taking some great photos. Your camera probably already came with a lens and its likely to be totally fine, so why would you need to buy more?

Essentially, the different lenses can extend the kinds of photographs youre able to take. Different lenses can allow you to take better photographs of different subjects or... more

A drone pilot crashed his camera drone into Seattle’s iconic Space Needle on New Years Eve, and they may now be facing charges.

Footage of the accident captured by the drone itself was made public this week and quickly went viral. The 3-minute video shows the drone capturing scenic views of the city for a couple of peaceful minutes before unexpectedly flying straight into the upper section of the space needle, where some workers were standing.

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German photography duo Michael Fertig and Phil Schreyer of Flash Bros shared this humorous video of a portrait shoot they recently did outdoors. There were extremely strong winds blowing, and getting the... more

The Wacom riding owl in the video above may be the best photo retouching accessory I’ve ever seen. Something tells me this little guy doesn’t come included with a new Wacom tablet.

I feel like he looks down like he’s judging your photo retouching skills. If he sat on my hand while I was working, I probably would be way more motivated as well! I mean, would you want to disappoint him?

Here he is again, micro-managing a Photoshop job as usual:

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