Photography News

If you look at patents awarded as a measure of innovation, Canon is one of the most innovative companies on Earth. In 2016, Canon was granted the third most US patents of any company, beating out the likes of Intel, Microsoft, Apple, and even Google.

The news was part of... more

Those who have known me long enough are aware of my passion for Rolleiflex cameras. Back before I got deeper and deeper into alternative photography I used to shoot my TLRs all the time.

Sadly, ever since I got bitten by the collodion bug of wet plate and then thoroughly chewed by the silver monster of daguerreotypes all my film cameras, including the Rolleis, have been sitting quite idle.

A little while back though I did get a nifty accessory called ‘sheet film... more

Just when we thought there was no possible way someone could capture flowers in a fresh and unique way, we stumbled across the work of Craig Burrows. Burrows uses a technique called ultraviolet-induced visible... more

Want to win at social media in 2017? The folks over at On Blast Blog did some research on tips, tricks, and best practices, and they’ve created a helpful cheat sheet infographic with all kinds of helpful... more

Seattle drone operators are in the news again, and that's not a good thing. A man whose drone struck a parade-goer in 2015 has been convicted of a gross misdemeanor which may signal what's to come for another drone operator who recently flew his drone into the Space Needle.

In 2015, a woman attending the Seattle Pride Parade was struck by a drone that fell after crashing... more

According to industry publication DigiTimes, we should expect demand for CMOS image sensors, particularly high-end units, to increase in the short and medium term. This is mainly due to the increased popularity of dual-camera modules in high-end smartphones, such as the Apple iPhone 7 Plus, LG G5 or Huawei P9, and growing demand for imaging applications in the automotive and security industries. 

Approximately 70% of all available sensors currently go into... more

Photo lovers and travel enthusiasts looking for a new show to provide some inspiration, listen up. Photographers and YouTubers Tony and Chelsea Northrup have just debuted a new web... more

Drone sweaters exist. We’ll give you a second to glance at your calendar and remember that it’s January, not April, before moving on … okay, welcome back to our strange reality where drone... more

Back in 2015, Sydney, Australia-based photographer Alex Benetel was invited by Instagram and Disney to shoot behind-the-scenes photos on the London movie set of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

... more

This past Saturday, I was assigned by to photograph the Divisional Playoff game between the Seattle Seahawks and the Atlanta Falcons at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.

Playoff games are high stakes for both teams; win or go home. The game was nationally televised featuring two of the leagues best quarterbacks in Russell Wilson and Matt Ryan. There was a lot of press coverage and in order for my photos to stand out I needed to get unique images.

Once I arrived at the... more
