Photography News

Back in early November, GoPro recalled its newly released Karma drone, citing an issue that caused the drone to potentially lose power while in operation. The company announced the relaunch on its blog today, saying the new Karma drone is nearly identical to the original model, with only one exception: the battery latch has been redesigned, solving the power loss issue some owners experienced.

Karma... more

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Apple's 'Shot on iPhone' ads have been a familiar sight on billboards and on TV for quite some time now. For the latest round of advertising Apple is now focusing on the iPhone 7's low light capabilities. The campaign's title is 'One Night,' because all... more

Dr. Tompsett, Prof. Teranishi and Prof. Fossum at the ceremony, image: Queen Elizabeth Prize

This year's 1 million Pound Queen Elizabeth Prize has recognized the work of some of the key scientists in the creation of digital imaging sensors. The award is shared by British-born Dr Mike Tompsett, Professor... more

Back in 2015, photographer Dustin Snipes shot a viral series of photos for Red Bull showing... more

Scanning colour negative is without a doubt the most irritating part of my workflow.

Since I started to shoot film, it has been the source of great frustration, especially in terms of color rendition. Each color negative I scan shows a dreadful blue or green cast that’s a pain to get rid of in Lightroom.

The struggle was real… until today!

I’ll take the example of Kodak Portra, because that’s the one that causes me the most trouble. When you look... more

Google-owned image editing app Snapseed is a go-to for many photographers when they want (or have) to edit photos on their smartphone. And starting today, those people have a new, highly-requested editing tool at their disposal: Curves.

Using Curves to adjust the shadows, midtones, and highlights in your image is both common and powerful, but up until now you were limited to adjusting shadows and highlights via slider on Snapseed. No more, the Curves panel now let you control... more

The film renaissance is growing. Just weeks after Kodak announced the return of Ektachrome film, the Italian film brand... more

Classical art meets modern-day drudgery in artist Alexey Kondakov‘s ongoing series Art History in Contemporary Life. For the past two years, Kondakov has been delighting his fans by expertly... more

The GoPro Karma camera drone is flying back onto store shelves today, three months after being recalled due to some of them losing power and falling out of the sky. GoPro believes it figured out the problem and fixed it.

The company says that the problem was... more

I always say that if you want to see creativity, ask a photographer the various ways potential clients will respond back to rate requests. I decided to turn that into reality!

I asked photographers for their worst stories with potential clients responding back after being asked what their rates were. I promised to keep the responses anonymous so they could let loose. Sadly, it happens to even some of the best photographers.

The point of this is to make you realize that... more
