Photography News

Three years after launching its Indiegogo funding campaign German start-up Luuv has announced it is ready to begin open sales of its video camera stabilization devices. The company has serviced all its backers and is now selling its solidLuuv, ultraLuuv Action and Action Gimbal to the public.

Designed for filmmakers using small cameras such as GoPro action cams and smartphones... more

Setting up the Fujinon MK18-55mm T2.9 cine lens with the Sony FS7 and Zacuto rig. (I accidentally left the matte box back at the office. Shh... don't tell anyone.)

Fujifilm is a respected name in the photography world thanks in part to its highly regarded X-series cameras and lenses. However, Fujifilm is also a major player in the professional cinema market, producing cinema... more

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Fujifilm has announced a pair of 'MK' Super 35 cinema lenses for Sony's E-mount, with a 18-55mm T2.9 launching next month, followed by a 50-135mm T2.9 arriving this summer. In addition to the E-mount versions, which are designed for Super 35 or APS-C... more

First look: Fujinon MK18-55mm T2.9 cine lens

The new Fujinon MK18-55mm T2.9 cine lens is the first of the company's new line of 'MK' series Fujinon lenses aimed at the 'emerging production' market. These lenses are designed to meet the needs of cinematographers who require features generally found on cinema lenses, who often work in the Super 35 format, and can't... more

Here’s a quick tip that will save every newbie photographer (and probably more than a few intermediate shooters) some agony and embarrassment: how to properly fold a reflector in one easy motion.

The video was created by photographer... more

Fans of the movie La La Land will love this creative engagement shoot. In a tribute to Hollywood romance and the romance between bride-to-be Ellen Wleklinski and her betrothed Corey Collins, photographer Marlies... more

Sony is making a lot of their new 100mm f/2.8 GM lens with its Smooth Trans Focus technology. But what exactly is this so-called STF, how does it work, and why does it produce smoother bokeh? This short video explains all.

The Sony video was published by... more

Film is not dead. In fact, it’s a growth industry. No, we’re not talking Tech or Medical type growth, but there is a clear and obvious resurgence of interest in film photography, and companies like ADOX are... more

The analog revival seems to roll on, as film producer ADOX has announced it's doubling the size of its facility that produces photographic chemicals, film and papers. This latest facility comes shortly after ADOX acquired a facility in Marley, Switzerland, which itself joined the companys Berlin facilities. The new production plant is being constructed alongside the... more

If you want sharp black and white images with fine grain, then you’ve come to the right place!

I’m a bit of a freak in terms of image quality and I love very detailed photos. That’s why I’ve been searching for the combination of film and developer that would get me the best results. The technique I’m about to share is not for every situation and, ideally, you will need either a decent amount of light or a tripod.

The reason behind this is that... more
