Photography News

Many a photographer knows from experience that getting a credit line for his or her work may often be the only compensation available. That was my situation when I was employed as a student and photographer at UCLA back — make that WAAAYY back — in 1966-68. My job consisted of photographing just about anything on campus student government, rallies, love-ins and, this being UCLA, football and basketball games.

I dont recall how many games in total I covered, but it... more

Tim Tadder is a wildly successful commercial photographer in a time when the term “wildly successful photographer” sounds like an oxymoron. So... more

Jane Seo, a professional food blogger, dashed through the finish line to clinch the Fort Lauderdale Half Marathon in an outstanding 1 hour and 21 minutes back on Feb 19th, beating thousands to win the 2nd place with an... more

The Fujifilm X-T20 is a midrange SLR-styled mirrorless camera that sits above the X-E2S and below the X-T2. The X-T20 replaces the X-T10 and offers a host of new features, including Fujifilm's latest 24MP CMOS sensor and image processor, faster burst shooting, any improved autofocus system, 4K video capture and more. In many ways, it's a smaller, less expensive 'little brother' to the X-T2, a camera that earned a Gold Award when we... more

Fujifilms GFX 50S announcement has turned a lot of heads, and for good reason. We love Fujifilm cameras. Its hard not to they offer excellent ergonomics with a level of direct control that photographers itch for, and Fujifilms color science renders images that harken back to the days of film, while retaining all the advantages of digital. Meanwhile, the X-Trans color filter array (CFA) offers a number of advantages compared to traditional Bayer CFAs, showing decreased false color and a... more

The recent announcements of Fujifilms GFX 50S and Hasselblad's X1D have turned a lot of heads, and for good reason. To take the GFX 50S specifically (since it's more likely to represent an affordable option for DSLR shooters), we love Fujifilm cameras. Its hard not to they offer excellent ergonomics with a level of direct control that photographers itch for, and Fujifilms color science renders images that harken back to the days of film, while retaining all the advantages of digital.... more

The Pentax KP packs tons of features into one of their most petite bodies yet. It offers a new 5-axis SR II IBIS system, ISO expansion up to 819,200 and interchangeable grips. We like how the camera looks, but what about its pictures? Take a look at our sample gallery to see for yourself.

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The UKs Amateur Photographer magazine has launched its 2017 Amateur Photographer of the Year competition and is offering a total of 10,000 worth of Sigma lenses in prizes. 

The competition is run over the course of eight rounds with monthly closing dates from the end of April to the end of November. Each month has a different theme and winners are picked by the Amateur Photographer judging panel and through an online voting system run by Photocrowd. At the end of the year, an... more

Is the most egalitarian form of photography, street photography, being destroyed by its own popularity? Is such a thing even possible? I wont profess to have a clear answer to this question, but I do have some thoughts. Those thoughts may turn into a rant, but I’ll try to contain myself!

Egalitarian = good, right?

This question hits right at the heart of photography and, most specifically, digital photography. If something is easy, more people will do it. The more people... more

It took photographer and self-proclaimed space enthusiast Jan Frjdman three months to produce a video turning NASA anaglyph images of Mars into a simulated flight over the planet. NASA's high-resolution imagery offers depth information and comes from HiRISE, a camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. 

Frjdman converted the still images into panning video clips using reference points 33,000 of them and color-graded the... more
