Photography News

Here’s a juicy research & development tidbit straight from the executives at Canon. In an interview with Focus Numerique at... more

Along with normal how-to articles and essays, Ive always liked reading and writing very technical, nitty-gritty articles about photographysometimes, articles on topics that rarely come up while actually taking pictures.

In fact, I usually dont even use my own sharpest aperture charts in the field, as useful as they are, since I dont like carrying around charts. So, then, does all that technical stuff matter? Is it even worth talking about in the first place?

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Given that most photos are captured digitally and shared online, its easy to forget the beauty of a print.

The history of photographic printing is a fascinating intersection between art and chemistry, and you might be surprised to find a cadre of incredible, contemporary practitioners of techniques well over 100 years old. Heres a round-up of some of our favorites.

Carbon Transfer

A labor-intensive process that uses carbon pigment rather than inks or silver salts to produce... more

The biggest photography announcement of the week came from Hasselblad. In a move that is being praised by most of the photo community, the storied camera company appointed photographer... more

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After visiting Idaho on a road trip, Resource Travel's Michael Bonocore fell in love with the state, and moved there just three months later. One spot he hadn't yet visited was beautiful... more

Trippy stuff - this is MTF data from nine copies of the Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L II, at 16mm. Nice and sharp in the center, less so at the edges. That said, all nine of these lenses test as 'good' samples. 

Arch lens nerd Roger Cicala has probably handled more lenses this week than an average photographer might use in a lifetime. And recently, he's been busy testing... more

Amateur photographer Mason Maxwell recently paid a creative tribute to one of his favorite albums. Using construction paper, a prism, and good ol’ sunlight, he was able to shoot a surprisingly... more

Kodak Moments UK pulled a cinge-worthy prank on a few Londoners recently. They attracted unsuspecting strangers to their display under the guise of a “custom-built, super-fast... more

'Why are we here?' 'Is there life on other planets?' 'How do you pronounce bokeh?' Photo Gear News might not be able to help us answer all of our burning questions, but they have offered a definitive answer on that last one.

At this year's Photography Show in the UK they polled a number of attendees on their version of the correct pronunciation. Not surprisingly, responses were varied. For all of our sakes, though, they got the definitive answer and put the matter to rest... more

Rich McCor, a London-based paper artist and photographer better known as @paperboyo, is taking the Internet by storm with his creative paper creations. Using black paper cutouts, he transforms landmarks... more
