Photography News

The 67 annual Emmy Awards will be held in Los Angeles today, recognizing excellence in the television industry over the past year, and USA TODAY photographers Robert Hanashiro and Dan MacMedan will be at the Microsoft Theater to shoot the show. The 3-minute video above offers a glimpse into what its like to cover this type of event, as Hanashiro and MacMedan discuss their approach and their spots throughout the night.

Back in February, we featured a similar video in which... more

You might already know the work of photographer and urban explorer Ralph Mirebs - his series of photos of abandoned Soviet spacecraft went viral earlier this year. His fascination with science and technology have fueled his photography, and he's passionate about documenting abandoned industrial spaces striving to always answer the question 'What was this used for?' See his work and find out more in our Q&A.... more

If you shoot with a Hasselblad 500 series camera, there’s a new lens on the horizon: the Petzvar 120mm f/4. Unlike other lenses, which are designed and mass produced by large companies, this one’s a bit different — it’s produced by a single lens maker.

Denys Ivanichek is an... more

Dear photographer friend,

I wanted to write you a letter on the concept of killing the masters of photography. It is kind of a Buddhist philosophy, as well as a philosophy I gained from Seneca, my stoic philosophy hero and mentor.

So I was talking to Pooria, one of the students from a street photography workshop I held in Seattle. He asked me, Eric, I see all these famous photos from the masters, and I dont get them. What do others see which I dont see?

To be frank,... more

“200mm” and “f/1.0” aren’t two specs you generally see together in the world of camera lenses. After all, the Canon 200mm f/2.0 is already a giant 5.6 pound piece of glass, so an f/1.0 version would be ginormous.

If you want to see what a 200mm f/1.0 lens looks like, Abex UK... more

Tokyo-based photographer Irwin Wong just released a crazy film titled “The Last Sentoshi.” It’s about a female superhero who defeats her enemies using a powerful camera flash.

“If you like photography and you like anime or superheroes, you might like this movie,” Wong... more

We’re in the dawn of a new camera drone age in which aerial units are readily available from a number of different manufacturers. In addition to taking to the skies, companies are also looking to take drone exploration in the other direction: to the depths of the seas. OpenROV has just launched... more

Here’s a short 5-minute video by Vox that tells the story of how early film stocks in photographer were designed with light skin as the ideal skin standard, and therefore sometimes had problems rendering darker skins — especially in photos that... more

Art Wolfe has photographed living creatures all over the globe, but nothing quite prepared him for the experience of swimming with and photographing one of the largest animals on earth - the humpback whale. He discusses the challenges he faced capturing these incredible creatures in the South Pacific. Read more

We've just expanded our real-world Olympus Tough TG-4 sample gallery with underwater images from the sparkling blue waters of Maui. The TG-4 is Olympus' 16MP rugged compact with Raw support and built-in Wi-Fi with GPS, making it a truly road-ready travel companion. Read more
