Photography News

According to a recent report, Panasonic is developing a technology for refocusing an image after it's been shot, and will be commercializing the feature sometime in the next year. The technology achieves something similar to Lytro's light field cameras but instead relies on 4K video capture. Read more

We recently shared how the film Mad Max: Fury Road mostly used real stunts, physical effects, and compositing instead of relying on computer generated imagery.

Here’s another (even crazier) example of people actually doing something on camera rather than using CGI: for a scene in the upcoming film Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation... more

The Pixelmator app for iPad and iPhone has received another update, ensuring it remains one of the most powerful mobile image editing tools in the App Store. Introduced in version 2.0.2 is Dynamic Touch, which automatically adjusts the brush to the surface area of your finger that's touching the screen. Read more

Want to experience the life of a National Geographic photographer? While on assignment for the magazine, photographer David Guttenfelder shot one second of video per day over 90 days. Those tiny clips were then combined into the 90-second video above.

The three months shown in... more

Nikon has begun contacting owners of D800 and D700 DSLRs with an offer to participate in a new “Maintenance Service Initiative.” Photographers who are interested can have their camera sent to Nikon’s repair center, examined, cleaned, and repaired (if there are any issues discovered). The entire program — including shipping both ways — is being offered for free.

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Filter manufacturer Cokin has introduced a new range of neutral density filters that it claims are free of color casts and which block infrared light. The Nuances range comes in sizes to fit the company's Creative Filter System holders, from M (P) to XL (X-Pro), and in six different strengths. Read more

NASA’s New Horizons probe dazzled the world with a detailed photo of Pluto today, but another probe has been beaming back stunning shots of space for over a decade already. The Cassini space probe has captured its fair share of eye-popping photos since launching in 1997 and arriving in Saturn’s orbit in 2004.

Here’s a collection of some of Cassini’s most... more

In an ongoing trend of protests against strict photo contracts for music photographers, Quebec newspaper le Soleil sent a cartoonist to illustrate a Foo Fighters concert. The publication called the contract one of the harshest it had seen, citing passages that require photographers to surrender copyrights to their images, giving the band the ability to use images in any media without permission or payment.... more

If you’d like to shoot some aerial images but don’t have a drone or balloon handy, see if you can get a seagull to help you out. German Martin Lozano tourist was visiting the Cies Islands off the coast of Spain recently when a seagull grabbed his GoPro, flew away, shot some breathtaking views of the coastline, and then flew back to return the camera. Everything was captured in the 1-minute video above.

Since Lozano uploaded the video to YouTube... more

More and more still photography cameras are getting advanced video features, so it only makes sense that cinema cameras are moving more into the world of still photos as well. Last week, RED launched a new version 6.0 firmware for its cameras, which brings a number of powerful new features for shooting photographs alongside video.

The RED EPIC and RED DRAGON now have a new Multi-Shot feature for continuously shooting frames while holding down the record button, a Motion + Stills... more
