Photography News

The prospect of cheaply and easily capturing photos and footage from the skies is one of the many aspects that makes camera drones so alluring. With Extreme Fliers successful funding of the Micro Drone 3 on Indiegogo, it looks... more

Sony’s new flagship a7R II is a mirrorless camera designed to rule them all. In addition to packing... more

People still aren’t getting the message that taking selfies with wild animals can be a very bad idea. Yet another tourist was flipped by a bison in Yellowstone last week while shooting a selfie, but that pales in comparison to what happened to a San Diego man earlier this month: the guy tried to take a selfie with a rattlesnake, got bitten, and racked up a $153,000 hospital... more

Yet another tourist has been attacked by a bison while taking a selfie in Yellowstone National Park, prompting park officials to release another public warning against the practice.

In a notice published last week, officials report that a 43-year-old woman from... more

Want to hear the story of how the iconic Afghan Girl photo was shot?... more

How do go about making photos of big wave surfing even more extreme? Here’s one way: add fire to the mix. Surfer Jamie O’Brien recently tackled some of the world’s heaviest and dangerous waves while wearing a wetsuit that was set on fire. Photographer Tim McKenna was on hand to... more

We've been shooting with the Canon PowerShot G3 X for a few days now. Canon's latest high-end compact offers a 20MP sensor and 24-6000mm equivalent zoom lens, with a touch-sensitive LCD screen and optional EVF. The G3 X occupies something of a niche in the long-zoom category, offering a longer lens than its 1-inch sensor competitors but without some of the extras, like a built-in viewfinder and 4K video. What's it like to use?... more

Panasonic has built a new 3D photo booth over in Japan that uses 120 Lumix GH4 cameras arranged around a circular room. The GH4 has a price tag of $1,500, so this new photo booth has a... more

In our world of digital photography and high speed Internet, photojournalists can quickly and easily send large numbers of high-res photos to the other side of the globe. Things weren’t always so convenient.

The video above shows what a photo transmitter looked like back in the 1970s. What you see is a United Press International UPI Model 16-S, which scanned photos and then transmitted them using a telephone line.

In a 2012 blog post... more

The United States has published a new collection of photographs taken in the aftermath of the September 11th, 2001, attacks by Dick Cheney’s staff photographer. It’s a set of images showing Cheney, George W. Bush, and other prominent officials in the President’s Emergency Operations Center bunker.

356 photos were uploaded... more
