Photography News

In 2005, wedding and portrait photographer Lynette Johnson founded an organization that would have a profound impact on over 1,400 families. Celebrating its 10th year, Soulumination is a non-profit that provides free professional photography sessions for individuals and families facing truly devastating circumstances  the loss of a child (or a parent with young children) to terminal illness. Now with almost 50 volunteer photographers, Soulumination provides... more

If you live in a remote area with dark skies, you are one of the lucky ones; the lucky ones that get to look up on a clear dark night and see a thick band of glowing light stretch across the sky.

As a kid I grew up in the countryside of south-eastern Ontario, Canada. On one side I had a corn field and on the other I had a pig pasture. Nights were free from the orange glow of the city and what little light I did see was from the Moon and stars. Being out on those nights and... more

A photographer has launched a copyright infringement lawsuit against Twitter, claiming that the social media company failed to remove a photo of hers that was posted without permission, and even after she sent multiple DMCA takedown requests to have the posts deleted.

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If you want to see a photojournalist who cares deeply about the subject they’re covering, watch this 3-minute National Geographic video. In it, photographer Charlie Hamilton James discusses his photos of vultures — one of the fastest declining families of birds in history,... more

There’s more bad news in the photojournalism industry today: Sports Illustrated has laid off Director of Photography Brad Smith, Photo Editor... more

For their latest film The Hateful Eight, director Quentin Tarnatino and cinematographer Robert Richardson shot on 65mm film using Ultra Panavision 70 and Kodak VISION 3 film stocks — the biggest use of this film format in over two decades.

Time-lapse photographer Andrew Walker... more

If you’re a casual photographer, you probably don’t have so many tripods that you have a hard time storing and organizing them. But if that is a problem that you or your studio struggle with, here’s a clever solution: you can use a snowboard rack as a tripod storage solution.

The New York-based... more

When people ask me what lens they should get after buying their first camera, I always tell them to buy a 50mm f/1.8 lens because it’s one of the cheapest and one of... more

If there's been a theme to Sue Bryce's career, it might be one of evolution. She started making portraits when she was 18 with a Hasselblad film camera, and with grit and sheer determination she built and marketed her own business. Classifying her work as contemporary fashion portrait photography, she's evolved through decades in a shifting industry, and in addition to running her highly successful studio now offers online... more

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Medium format equipment manufacturer Hasselblad has announced the winners of its Masters competition, and has awarded the winners of each category a high end medium format camera. The company does not specify which cameras will constitute the prizes, but they will be... more
