Photography News

The Drawing Room created this 8-minute mini-documentary about the work of photographer Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber, a duo now known as... more

To dismiss the Huawei P9's imager as 'just another smartphone camera' would be unfair. Its dual 12MP cameras aren't your average dual cameras  Huawei claims that by using one monochrome and one RGB sensor, the camera is 100% more sensitive to light than your standard smartphone camera. It offers Raw capture, full manual exposure control and laser-assisted autofocus. Oh, and Leica had a hand in designing the module. All-... more

AP photographer Ben Curtis recently captured a photograph seen round the world. A brutal and shocking image that has sparked outrage and forced Kenya’s police chief to launch an internal investigation. (Warning: Some of the content in the video above is graphic. Proceed at your own... more

Photographers are always telling each other to print their photos, but at the same time, services keep springing up that let you do the exact opposite: digitize your prints. Photomyne is one of these services, a feature-rich smartphone app that lets you turn your old prints into... more

Jens Lennartsson is a photographer and writer who travels the world to tell stories. In the 2.5-minute video above, he shares how he creates all of his work with what he calls “the smallest photo office in the world.”

Lennartsson’s mobile studio is about as minimalist as... more

If you want to capture 3D with your GoPro camera without dropping hundreds of dollars on an extra Hero camera and a 3D housing, then you definitely need to check out the soon-to-be-released Vitrima 3D lens.

This mirrored lens design should look familiar to anybody who has been... more

When I heard the news that my town (Glens Falls, NY ) was hosting an event called Pet Fest, I knew I had to be there. My girlfriend, Emily, suggested that we set up a pet photo booth at the event and the idea took off.

I paid my deposit to have a booth and set out to purchase all the materials I needed to make it happen. Turns out, I needed a lot of materials. The tent, the backdrop, the backdrop stand, sandbags to weigh everything down, etc.

Once I had... more

Just bought a Leica SL but can't afford to buy a Leica lens to put on it? Don't worry - German manufacturer Novoflex has just the thing for you.

The new Novoflex SL-EOS adapter allows certain Canon EF lenses and... more

Ray Soemarsono of Apertura is a wedding photographer from Southern California who has received major accolades and awards for his work. More recently, Soemarsono has been receiving attention for a different kind of photography: photos shot inside the virtual world of a video... more

GoPro broke one of its big rules to share this short documentary. It is one of the only GoPro videos you’ll ever see that isn’t shot entirely on the company’s own cameras, but once you watch it you’ll understand why.

When We Were Knights is a... more
