Photography News

If you simply want something, do you just take it? In the world of photography, content is stolen everyday and used without permission. It’s too easy, and I’m sick of it.

This is called copyright infringement. Copyright infringement is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission. The law provides a range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed; but if the law (and the fines to go with it) are this serious, then why is it so... more

A new Canon lens patent hints at an interesting future for Canon’s high-end point-and-shoot cameras like the G1 X line. Specifically, it seems Canon is considering packing an APS-C sensor into a future PowerShot.

The patent, originally spotted by... more

Places where you may need to bring a kevlar jacket and gas mask as a photographer: a war zone, the middle of a violent uprising, and … the 2016 Republican National Convention. That’s right, photographers are gearing up to cover the 2016 RNC in much the same way they’d gear up for a conflict zone.

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As iconic lenses go, perhaps no lens is quite as iconic as the famed NASA Zeiss f/0.7 glass Stanley Kubrick used to film a candle-lit scene using only natural light. In this video we get to see the lens, find out about the camera Kubrick modified to use it, and discover some of the tricks he employed to shoot that scene.

The video was put together when former Mythbuster Adam Savage visited the Stanley Kubrick Exhibition in San Francisco with... more

Since I got my Nikon D7000 camera 6 years ago Ive used it almost everyday. That is a lot of shutter clicks, 148,558 to be exact. It looks like I will be in the market for a new camera soon as the D7000 is only factory tested to 150,000 clicks. My dilemma is should I go full frame, or stick with my cropped frame?

I keep asking myself, is a full frame camera really worth it? I took a Nikon full frame D610 and a Nikon cropped frame D7100 on a test drive around... more

4K video capability was one of the big surprises in the X-T2's specification. We've taken a closer look at how the camera operates in movie mode and added a sample video to our First Impressions Review.

Only beta firmware exists at present, so there's no F-Log mode available yet, and the operation may yet change, so we explain where the X-T2 has improved and how it could be made still better.

As well as our (beta) video sample, we've also expanded our... more

4K video capability was one of the big surprises in the X-T2's specification. We've taken a closer look at how the camera operates in movie mode and added a sample video to our First Impressions Review.

Only beta firmware exists at present, so there's no F-Log mode available yet, and the operation may yet change, so we explain where the X-T2 has improved and how it could be made still better.

As well as our (beta) video sample, we've also expanded our... more

Phase One took the lid off of a first for the company earlier today. In partnership with Schneider Kreuznach, they’ve released the very first ‘Blue Ring’ zoom lenses: a 40-80mm LS f/4.0-5.6 and 75-150mm LS f/4.0-5.6 that promise prime lens quality.

The new blue ring zooms were built with the full-frame 645 format 100MP Phase One XF system in mind. “Used on a Phase One XF 100MP system, the lenses are able to take full advantage of the... more

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Phase One has announced two Schneider Kreuznach 'Blue Ring' lenses designed with the XF system in mind, the first zooms in the series. The Schneider Kreuznach 40-80mm LS F4.0-5.6 and the Schneider Kreuznach 75-150mm LS F4.0-5.6 are optimized for the... more

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Phase One has announced two Schneider Kreuznach 'Blue Ring' lenses designed with the XF system in mind, the first zooms in the series. The Schneider Kreuznach 40-80mm LS F4.0-5.6 and the Schneider Kreuznach 75-150mm LS F4.0-5.6 are optimized for the... more
