Photography News

A piece of Leica history is on auction at Christie's or more specifically, 107 pieces of history. The Stammbaum, or family tree, once greeted visitors at the company's Solms, Germany headquarters and includes models introduced throughout Leica's history. The collection traces models from rangefinder and SLR product lines all the way back to the U-... more

Humans, by nature, avoid risk, stress, and anything else that sounds uncomfortable. But world-class adventure photographer Corey Rich would encourage you to stop. In this presentation, he explains embracing... more

VSCO has announced the launch of VSCO Open Studio, a free-to-use photography studio in the NoMad neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. Its expensive to rent studio space for your passion projects. We get it, the company explains, saying that is why it decided to launch a free workspace replete with a permanent cyclorama, lighting equipment and gear that can be borrowed.

The Open Studio is located in VSCOs NYC office, and while it is free to use, there is limited availability... more

I don’t think the Port Authority would like it if you looked at this photo.

Yesterday I spent my morning taking some photos in New York City along the Hudson river with my 4×5 camera. Very relaxing. I had one sheet of film left, and I noticed that some nice-looking clouds were developing over the Hudson.

I only had normal and wide-angle lenses with me, so I needed a subject, and I found one: the ventilation building for the Holland Tunnel. A... more

David Clumpner believes in using renewable natural resources. So, in addition to being a professional wedding photographer, he’s also an avid hunter, fisherman, and gardener. That explains the... more

When beautiful vintage photographic technology meets state-of-the-art photo equipment, the results are almost always interesting. Case in point, check out this frankencamera created by graphic designer... more

Former Russian Olympic swimmer Evgeny Korotyshkin usually reserves his Instagram for posting pictures of swimming events or selfies with his medals. But when he was robbed at... more

Photographing a meteor shower is more like photographing a time-lapse than traditional still photos. You can never anticipate where or when a meteor is going to streak across the sky.

In order to catch them, you have to set up and take as many photos as you can throughout the night with a wide angle lens on the camera. If you leave the camera in the same position, you can use the resulting images for a short time-lapse clip in addition to the still images you... more

After reading so many stories about inconsiderate people putting animals’ lives in danger (or outright killing them) to get a “cool” selfie, this story was like a deep breath of fresh air. Watch as a Polish nature photographer risks his own safety to save a young eagle stuck in the coastal mud.

The video was shot on July 26th. That day,... more
